Recent content by RunesS

  1. R

    Drum machine for black metal

    Thanks, dude! That sounds awesome! :D I would really appreciate the second option! :) I PM with email, or what?
  2. R

    Drum machine for black metal

    Dope! I'm going to check them out, dude... When you mention these two, is it together, or as two seperate options? Like the snares and toms from 'x' is used with cymbals and kick from 'y'? Investing in both may be a little to much money right now...
  3. R

    Drum machine for black metal

    Maybe a fun activity on those loooong nightes in the summer time? :heh: Do you have a recommendation for a better choice? :)
  4. R

    Drum machine for black metal

    I have been using different plugins thorugh the past couple of years... Started with EZdrummer, moved to superior drummer, with the drumkit from hell samples. I just got NI battery som weeks ago and have been toying with it, and after a couple of pointers from this forum, i'm improving sound...
  5. R

    Drum machine for black metal

    This thread is kinda derrived from my earlier posting on Battery 3... I have many times thought about drum machines, and really like the idea about programming a drummachine. Listening to some of Bathory's viking era albums, i clearly hear it must be a drum machine, but i kinda' like it. It...
  6. R

    Problems with programmed drums.

    That is what i have done! But when playing through the midi file, the red linie in the mapping tab, that shows the hits velocity is dead still, at the same velocity. :/ What do you think about SSD:Ex?
  7. R

    Problems with programmed drums.

    Thanks for the tip. If i can't get this to work i may give it a try. Just for the EP maybe? But for now i want to make it work with Battery. It was quite a big step getting it, so i'm not that keen on changing. A thing i might add, is that i don't have a very large knowledge on the techniques...
  8. R

    Problems with programmed drums.

    Hey I've been searching around the forum looking for a solution, or a push in the right direction, and didn't find one, so i'm posting this. I'm doing a project with programmed drums. MIDI. I have some samples i think work, and i have NI Battery 3. So i load up the samples in Battery...