Recent content by RushAss

  1. R

    Zero Hour & Odin's Court east coast US mini-tour

    Hey Matt, I'm really sorry I wasn't able to make your show at The Hook. It was a combination of me having to work, and my wife and kid both being sick. I'm really bummed I didn't get to finally meet you and see you guys play:waah: Would anybody happen to have a set list for that show...
  2. R

    Zero Hour & Odin's Court east coast US mini-tour

    Hey Mat, any idea what time you guys go on? I'm working this Sunday and I'd hate to jet out there just to miss you guys!
  3. R

    Zero Hour & Odin's Court east coast US mini-tour

    Hey Matt! I work Sundays, but there is a solid chance that I can get off early that Sunday and if so, I'll be there with my wife. I've been wanting to meet you for what, 3 years now? It's about freaking time!
  4. R

    @ the Mighty, Mighty Matt

    I think you IMed me about a show last week, but my wife was online and the message she told me made no sense. Any idea what that was?
  5. R

    Odin's Court on My Space

    Neato, I'll sign you on as a pal! Here's mine:
  6. R

    Scott Adley Quits Odin's Court

    Sorry to hear that. Losing long term bandmates is always a downer. And you always miss them no matter how good the replacement is.
  7. R

    Judas Priest shall crush you

    GO see them this tour if you can. Halford was unfuckingbelievable and the rest of the band was pretty damned good. My only complaint was the sound, and that probably varies from venue to venue. Queensryxhe was pretty damned good as well. Much better than when I saw them last in 2000.
  8. R

    PoS - No US Tour

    I think he should amputate Wickerman's fingers and use the prints from those to get his ass over here. Where we shall proptly wrap him in an american flag and set him on fire.
  9. R

    Video from Jaxx 2-19 show

    That's Utopian Rust, right? Fucking vid cuts off right before my favorite part :cry: But cool vid! :grin:
  10. R

    Odin's Court: New Members!

    Members, members, members. I just wanted to type that word a few times. This is good news!
  11. R

    Yo Matt, how the hell are ya?

    I'll liven it up with some poo juice
  12. R

    Yo Matt, how the hell are ya?

    It's been a while since I last spoke to you via IM and I'm just curious how things are holding up down there. Anything new and interesting going on?
  13. R

    His Dark Materials

    Thanks Matt. I may pick up the 2nd one in a month or two and give it a shot. At least the books are short enough that I won't waste more than a week or two on them if I don't like em :)
  14. R

    His Dark Materials

    I just finished reading the 1st book in this series (The Golden Compass). The song made me curious so I decided to pick the book up and give it a try. In all honsty it didn't impress me much. Based upon that, would it even be worth it for me to pick up the 2nd and 3rd ones?
  15. R

    Getting Ayreon's The human Equation full album in a few days

    I think the vocal performances and arrangements on THE are superior to those on ETIC, but I still prefer the music from ITEC. Nothing will ever top the last 3 minutes of Amazing Flight In Space!!!