Recent content by Russ L

  1. R


    Wha'bout asexuality? No-one seems to have latched on to the point that the male g-spot is (apparently) in the anus. As important is this debate is, I can't be bothered to argue here and now. After six pages I begin to tire...
  2. R


    I have never been able to understand this. If I think a band are 'great,' then I like them. I can't see how it works any other way.
  3. R


  4. R


    That's why I said it's not always neccessarily the best way to go about things. However, having said that... ...why should anyone have to alter themselves or their lifestyle to appease the bigotry of others? You can say 'That's life,' but you sure as hell can't tell me it's right. I'm...
  5. R


    Self-Affirmation in the face of adversity is perfectly understandable, even if not (neccessarily) always the best way to reduce prejudice.
  6. R


    I try not to. If I find myself doing it, I try to analyse why. Except for Robert Kilroy Silk. I hate that arsehole.
  7. R


    Godisanatheist: Yeah...I read his and then (in my rush to reply) only skimmed through yours, and at a quick glance it just looked like you were backing him up. Sorry.
  8. R


    *Bangs head against wall* That's not the point. It's not a valid ground on which to judge someone at all.
  9. R

    Where has all the art gone?

    People aren't really any more shallow than they ever were - they've always tended to take the path of least resistance. The only difference is that now the media is more homogenous and further reaching, resulting in everybody being given the same path. Furthermore - saying that all the art...
  10. R


    Possibly, but just because people choose to conform to a stereotype doesn't mean you have to dislike them for it. 'I hate stereotypicaly gay people' isn't all that different from 'I hate gay people.'
  11. R

    New digital camera!!

    We've had a few, and now I think it's important that no-one does that joke again.
  12. R

    I'm bored.

    Ah, nuts to all of you then.
  13. R

    New digital camera!!

    Just for fun, that is. I'm not gonna rob you.
  14. R

    New digital camera!!

    *Dons 'catburglar' costume*
  15. R

    Support the opeth board people!

    So, basicaly, you're already doing it?