Recent content by sam65

  1. S

    Alexi Self harm?!

    wow, thanks for the gay "save Africa" response but other than that thanks a lot for the help. I'll try to stop, probably won't be easy though. Just bought a new BC Rich warlock so it'll keep me occupied hopefully.
  2. S

    Alexi Self harm?!

    I am a HUGE Bodom fan but not once have i heard that Alexi self harmed when he was younger but i recently read about it in the Metal Hammer review. I myself need help with self harm (god knows if I'm depressed, how you tell?) but do you reckon he had trouble playing with it? I don't normally...
  3. S

    Free Site Competition

    Well basically, i have a domain name but nothing on it and its kinda a waste so how about a competition, whoever makes the best site to put on it wins and I'll put the site they made up on my domain. The domain is, if any additional information is required then just ask...
  4. S

    Guitar Player's Thread

    oh right sorry :P I'm new ^^
  5. S

    Own Pictures Thread

    Thats me a year ago, nothing changed since except I'm taller and the thing I'm holding is an axe in that picture :lol:
  6. S

    Guitar Player's Thread

    I really need help, i cannot figure out a single bloody bodom song on my fking guitar and its pissing me off. Even the tabs fail! Can some one tell me how to play something or at least give me a descent tab.
  7. S

    The Black Crusade

    I caught the plectrum that the dragonforce bassist threw at the croud :kickass:!
  8. S

    SAW IV - Check this shit out!!

    Has anyone actually bothered to go and watch saw 4, or at least download it? (first post :P)