Alexi Self harm?!

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New Metal Member
Nov 29, 2007
I am a HUGE Bodom fan but not once have i heard that Alexi self harmed when he was younger but i recently read about it in the Metal Hammer review. I myself need help with self harm (god knows if I'm depressed, how you tell?) but do you reckon he had trouble playing with it? I don't normally have much of a problem playing but it does feel bloody weird and I've only hit my vein once and it was a damn fine cut. My life ambition is to play like Alexi, do i really need to stop cutting to be as good as him? So people, help?! :erk:
dude...i used to cut, trust me it hold you back from everything....STOP IT, it just makes you wanna be depressed, i mean just cut it and yes you should spend ur time playing in stead of cutting, i used to suck when i cut but after quitting i DID get alot better!!!!.....STOP IT
Ha. Stop being so depressed, you live in a 1st world country have a family, an education or an income if you work, daily life is not a struggle for you like it is ni some parts of the world, STFU and get over pussies
wow, thanks for the gay "save Africa" response but other than that thanks a lot for the help. I'll try to stop, probably won't be easy though. Just bought a new BC Rich warlock so it'll keep me occupied hopefully.
Lol, i dont give a fuck about africa i m a nihlist i dont give two shit about anyone, other than myself, but do play guitar and be firm with yourself, jsut say stop being so pathetic ,your a metal fan not a little faggot who likes men
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