Gotta give it to Alexi

how has no one mentioned Layne Staley on the issue of drugs? he did nothing for like 8 years because he was an addict (he didn't even not want to be an addict) and when he died from taking speedballs in his house he wasn't even found for like 2 weeks.

on weed vs pot i tend to take both when i wanna get absolutely fucked up... and i've never puked on weed, but when i was camping the other week i passed out, i had 4 cans of fosters and then a bottle of glen's vodka... damn, was funny, i crawled into the tent, someone gave me a crisp then i threw up all outside the tent, crawled back in and passed out... I don't care if it's not cool, it was pretty fun
wow nice story orb =P Poor you ^^
lol we're going out of the subjet ... but I love Lothiriel signature XD
Ditto! Best sig on this whole forum imo :D

Well, second best back when Mitch had his sinergy sig...

Oh, I'm flattered... :blush: But it really fits so well ^^.

And I'm happy he didn't.

I think we all are.

Well, personally I tend to drink enough to get wasted, but not so much that I can't have fun any longer. Unfortunately, that doesn't always work out.. :lol:
Anyway, I think alcohol and drugs to a certain degree (like weed etc.) are alright as long as you can still keep control.
+A lot :lol:

I drink quite a lot, but I never drink so much that I can't stand up by myself and keep partying :kickass: The worse thing is when I accept to drink the weird mixes my drummer makes. Last one was cider+rum+lime+black vodka+absinth and it fucking sucked! :erk: But I had already ordered it so I couldn't leave it there, :lol: Just with one litre of that I got quite drunk :lol: But I'm not ordering or trying that again in my whole life. The next day I had one of the worst hangovers I remember, whereas I usually don't have hangover :erk:
Oh goodness, this just reminds me of my friend's 22nd birthday party. We were getting ready to leave when one of the guys went missing. He comes back and says oops I clogged the sink puking. It just reminded me further why I don't hang out with the people I went to high school with.
:lol: Well, I hang with the people I went to high school with for the exact opposite reason: my university friends can't handle alcohol well enough. It's either I end up sober or they end up poking, :lol: Too much freak who doesn't go out of home more than once a month :erk: :lol:
Maybe Alexi got melamine poisening. :zombie:

Edit: Symptoms of melamine poisoning may include irritability, vomiting, flank pain, little or no urine, kidney stones, headaches, high blood pressure or blood in the urine.

I worked a summer running an amusement park ride. I had to wash off people's puke on the ride after the people ate tacos (it was the most popular food). I have a new respect for amusement park workers. :lol: