New Alexi interview on Scythes of Bodom

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Paradise Lost...OH SHIT!!
Apr 25, 2004
Roslyn, NY
I took some time out to read Zarok's 60 minute Alexi interview on I think that he did a fantastic job asking lots of questions that the true fans have been wondering about. Alexi talks about the new DVD and why it took so long to release. He gets Alexi to open up about the songs he likes and doesn't like, he gets him to talk about Trashed, Lost and Strungout, Mask of Sanity, and Knuckleduster, and why these songs are no longer played live.

First of all, Alexi comes off as being very humble. He knows where the band is at and seems to have a good idea of what the fans think. He realizes that the setlist needs to be refreshed after 5 tours of playing almost exactly the same songs.

As far as why those songs mentioned before are not played live, Alexi admits that one of the reasons is a lack of practice! Personally, it is good to hear Alexi admit this because it shows that he still cares about his performances (contrary to what has been inferred by many ppl on this board). I really hope that Alexi and co take time off before they pump out the next album. I think that all of the touring has taken its toll.

I really like that many of the questions went into depth about the songs themselves, it is so interesting to read what Alexi has to say about his music.

Only part 1 of this interview is online, and 2 is on the way. Here is hoping that Alexi talks about new Sinergy!!

GREAT job Zarok, as a Bodom fan, I really appreciate this effort.
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