Recent content by sammysatan

  1. sammysatan

    Bittersweet Feast

    There ya go bro... all fixed :p
  2. sammysatan

    Important Message From Steve Smyth, 4/30/06

    Great Stuff Stevey Boy!!! Looking forward to hearing the EssenEss Project material! Also for the expected news to be good news. Take care, Sammy
  3. sammysatan

    Nevermore @ Wacken 06

    Have been a bit of a 'voyeur' on this forum, so i probably will accept i'm a n00b... and the bashing that comes with it :heh: Let's clarify something. I was at wacken, and Nevermore slayed. Probably having one of the best 'festival' sounds of all the bands. I did notice 'festival' hiccups...
  4. sammysatan

    Photoshop Smyth into...

    Right... had to dig these up! :heh: The two boys in 'action', Graspop '05. Notice the air guitar action! :lol: Steve with his pink guitar :kickass:
  5. sammysatan

    Nevermore @ Rottfest

    Haha... keep a lid on it 'jock' hehe :lol: Video '04' shows the sound problem during I, Voyager... Jeff's sound dies. Must say, looks like it took a good few seconds for the tech to react!
  6. sammysatan

    Nevermore @ Rottfest

    was raging i had to miss this :mad: ... but for all you dudes and dudettes here are some vids that were posted up on an Irish Metal Forum... pretty fucking cool! Enjoy :rock:
  7. sammysatan

    IMPORTANT MESSAGE From Steve Smyth, May 30th, 2006

    My prayers are with you buddy. We all know you have the strength and courage to overcome this - We will be seeing ya when you are back in action bro. Sam
  8. sammysatan

    So what songs did Smyth write on TGE

    I think the board needs to read my version of 'sell my farts for stones' :lol: Ah, seriously tho... My favourite Steve song for sure! On a different note... i am DYING to hear the completed "just when you think" man... hook a dude up? :p
  9. sammysatan would like to welcome Steve Smyth to the family!

    Well, i am sammysatan from the old forum :lol: (Missy. A, thanks for the ol' sub name!). Really miss the old forum... but hey... life goes on :heh: Usually stay away from the 'kid fest' that is Ultimate Metal... but i follow my bro's... and thats that! :kickass:
  10. sammysatan would like to welcome Steve Smyth to the family!

    What the Deuce! So has the old forum actually moved to here Ms A?
  11. sammysatan

    Euro setlist

    Howdy, well i'll be at the Dublin, Ireland gig.. so... Born Inside Four Walls I, Voyager My Acid Words Tomorrow Turned into Yesterday Final Product Matricide We Disintegrate The Learning Psalm of Lydia The Sanity Assassin The River Dragon Has Come Sell My Heart For Stones...