Recent content by scotttrecordsbands

  1. scotttrecordsbands

    tubescreamer (or similar) sim. for mac?

    sorry, didnt make myself clear really. i'd checked the sticky and ive tried the guitar rig and logic one, i don't seem to be able to get the boost i used to with the TSS. if you could check it out and see if you can get any kind of a good boost out of it that'd be greatly appreciated!
  2. scotttrecordsbands

    tubescreamer (or similar) sim. for mac?

    there must be something out there that could be used? i used to use 'tubescreamer's secret' (i think it was called) when using PC, is there something that's comparible for osx systems or are we mac users doomed due to lack of nick crow and now no tubescreamer?:hypno:
  3. scotttrecordsbands

    DI-ing my orange rocker 30

    hi there, i was wondering how i would DI my rocker 30 for use with experimenting with impulses. Unlike on friend's solid state amps it obviously doesnt have a an out other than the 8 and 16 ohm's in the back, i'm worried about doing something that will damage the head :mad:
  4. scotttrecordsbands

    using an analog console?

    hi there, forgive my stupidity but i was thinking about analog consoles, and while i don't have the experience or money for one, i just wondered if someone could shed some light on them for me. if you take something like the 'Toft ATB24', i notice that engineers appear to mix extensively on...
  5. scotttrecordsbands

    Paramore drum clone

    any chance on putting them up? :)
  6. scotttrecordsbands

    My First Mix (Deathcore)

    hi, ive been following this forum for a long time and never signed up till now! anyway, this is my first mix (and a preliminary master). guitar rig 3, addictive drums and ampeg svx. the vocals dont really ever seem to fit, either ending up far too loud or far too quiet, i think theyre a...