Recent content by Sheepish

  1. S

    NZ show all ages or R18?

    I wouldn't worry about "slow" ticket sales. Most shows here (unless it's a massive well known band like Rolling Stones) don't sell out until the last week. NZers have weird ticket buying habits where they wait until the week of the concert to decide if they're going. Motorhead didn't even sell...
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    auckland gig

    Read the link I posted
  3. S

    auckland gig**56&quickseatsButton.x=10 The support act is Subtract. Not long now :rock: Mind you, there's a metal festival planned for the 06/06/06. Apparently the promoter for this festival is kicking off their opening with this concert...
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    Discovering Opeth

    I heard about them 5 years ago through a metalhead on a forum dedicated to magic mushrooms (mmmm), and he was always recommending Opeth to the metalheads on the site. After a while I figured I may as well check them out - download it and if you don't like it, can always delete. So I downloaded...
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    Pseudo Intellectuals and Opeth

    I remember reading live reviews for the last Tool tour (to find the set list for other shows around the one I saw) and was surprised to find a SHIT lot of whining about the opening bands. Not just one person saying he didn't like a band, but a whole handful of people saying "Blah, blah, the...
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    OPETH in new zealand

    Just get a flight home for the weekend in April ;) It's still a long way off. I really hope this show sells out. It'll let Opeth know that, yes, there really are tonnes of Opeth fans here.
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    Australian Tour setlist, what do you reckon?

    Do they ever play any songs off Orchid? I'm hoping they play at least one song off that album.
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    OPETH in new zealand

    Well fuck, it's about time. have finally put up tickets online for Opeth. Get em while they're hot :D Btw, there are no upstairs tickets being sold from the looks of it.
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    OPETH in new zealand

    Unless you want to drive up to Auckland, your best bet would be to ring Ticket Direct and tell them to sort their shit out. I've been checking everyday to see if they've put up Opeth tickets, and they haven't.
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    Funny Shit Metal Album Cover Game

    It says I got 4, but technically I got 6. 2 of them I entered right - Dusk...And Her Embrace and Peace Sells...But Who's Buying? but it said it was wrong. Even though it's clearly the right album. Oh well. A few look really familiar but not sure of what band or what album.
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    Black Rose Immortal

    I agree with the epic musical climax claim here. The first 3/4 are interesting enough to keep me paying attention, but the part I love the most is the scream and fade out of the end. Sometimes people interrupt me at work just before that bit kicks in. Pisses me off.
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    What Bands Have You Seen Live?

    Are you kidding? Heaps of bands go to Australia. Every month I hear of bands I want to see that are touring there.
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    OPETH in new zealand

    Auckland. It sounds like people in other parts of the country aren't having much luck with their local Real Groovy :( Some one needs to ring Ticketdirect and see what the hells going on. Although there's no promotion that I've seen at all, it appears that most people are aware of the concert...
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    my dad likes opeth

    My mum would probably like the bits inbetween the screaming and thrash bits, but she tends to walk in on me listening to music at the wrong time. She thinks everytime a song is mellow then begins to get heavy is "ruining" the song. Besides, she doesn't like anything loud. I put on Led Zeppelin...