Recent content by Skif_the_Red

  1. S

    Opening bands

    They need to get Arch Enemy to open. That would rule.
  2. S

    Wrath of the Norsemen USA set lest

    I'm going to the show tonight in Denver. Gonna drink Jaeger andbang my head. its gonna be sick. I cant wait. Work is in the way.
  3. S

    amon amarth US HEADLINING TOUR!!!!

    Anyone going to the Denver show? Cant wait......they tore it up here last year, as I am sure they did at everyother date. Anyone heard anything on a setlist yet?
  4. S

    Decapitated get in car wreck

    Decapatated was pretty sick......that really sucks. I hope the singer makes it.......
  5. S

    Amon tattoos

    I have Odin's Triple Horns on one arm and the Gungnir on the other.
  6. S

    Tatoo Idea??

    Mission accomplished! I got the Gungnir rune tattooed on my other arm last night. Came out good.
  7. S

    Viking mythology and all that goes with it

    I like the story of Hermod riding Slepnir to Hel to save Baldur. Very cool story.
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    Tatoo Idea??

    I am thinking maybe a Troll Cross Would be cool? OR Possibly Mjollnor? Any one have or know of a good mjollnor design?
  9. S

    Tatoo Idea??

    Hey Vikings- I have a tatoo of Odin's Triple horns on my left arm....I'm, thinking about getting another norse symbol on the other arm......I'm tentative about the valknot though. Anyone know any other cool symbols with cool meanings?:rock:
  10. S

    Tatoo Idea??

    Hey Vikings- I have a tatoo of Odin's Triple horns on my left arm....I'm, thinking about getting another norse symbol on the other arm......I'm tentative about the valknot though. Anyone know any other cool symbols with cool meanings?:rock:
  11. S

    The "Last Night Fuckin Rocked and/or Sweet, I'm going to the Show!" thread.

    Amon Amarth was awesome last night. Death in Fire and In Pursuit of Vikings sounded so sick. New stuff was good too. Children of Bodom were cool, lots of energy but they were too loud and distorted. It was hard to tell songs apart I thought. Sick time though....lots of booze for me. :kickass:
  12. S

    The "Last Night Fuckin Rocked and/or Sweet, I'm going to the Show!" thread.

    Leaving for the show now! Oden will smile tonight!:rock:
  13. S

    Your Viking name is...

    Sæbjörn Foecrusher....thats tough
  14. S

    Vote for the set list for our upcoming tour!

    Oden will be pleased when this show comes. Metal!!!!!!