Recent content by SoNofBitcH

  1. SoNofBitcH

    WREKage voted Atlanta's Best Noncommercial Radio Show

    Nice. I listen just about every Friday, and always when in town after a Friday show. I appreciate the work you guys do and the constant quality of stuff that is played.
  2. SoNofBitcH

    Official ProgPower USA XIV Roster - September 6-7, 2013

    Some need to be uploaded. Surprised to not see Xandria on there.
  3. SoNofBitcH

    Official ProgPower USA XIV Roster - September 6-7, 2013

    So making it back next year. This lineup has me drooling.
  4. SoNofBitcH

    Let's review previous statements...

    I liked Secret Sphere :(
  5. SoNofBitcH

    ProgPower USA VIII: 4th Slot bands confirmed

    !!!! This will be my 4th PP in a row, and this is the best lineup I've seen yet. Will definately be the best time for me. I'll finally be able to drink inside this year too. Where to start with Pagan's Mind. They blew me away at 4. Hopefully they play plenty of Celestial Entrance. Doesn't leave...
  6. SoNofBitcH

    parking within walking distance of Center Stage/Earthlink?

    yea but it will creep up on you. at least it did me. the only time ive parked in one was for IV, but i was pretty young and didnt know better to just walk from the hotel. the parking there was good, and had no problems. this one was the next left immediately right after the venue
  7. SoNofBitcH

    walking from the courtyard?

    well not all 3 nights but anyone know the cab rate for a mile?
  8. SoNofBitcH

    walking from the courtyard?

    oh well. the hampton had a long enough walk lol. anyway approximately how much would a cab be for all 3 nights there and back for such a short distance. strange, but ive never used one before
  9. SoNofBitcH

    walking from the courtyard?

    ive always stayed at the hampton or residence but didnt get my reservation quick enough. but who all has walked from the courtyard to earthlink? im sure i'll walk there and get a cab back, but just wondering how long of a walk it is
  10. SoNofBitcH

    On the fence? (good info within- GH)

    i think most people realize that the reason it hasnt sold out yet is because the lineup really only appeals to the bigger power/prog fans. if that's true, it's good news. kind of weeds out the 50 or so annoying pricks that for some reason show up randomly each year for the bigger bands. either...
  11. SoNofBitcH


    just a harmless observation, but you might want to post this kinda stuff on forums where the people might actually give a shit. hmmm
  12. SoNofBitcH


    why the fuck would i want to sit through piles of shit like as i lay dying, black dahlia murder, trivium, and the others to see cannibal corpse and behemoth, two bands that i've seen a total of like 8 times. no thanks. no better than the last one, therefore it still blows. metal and fake metal...
  13. SoNofBitcH

    Are there any Progpower fanatics on myspace
  14. SoNofBitcH

    Nevermore Cancel ProgPower USA VII Appearance

    i thought you missed the last 2 years. nm i guess :\ last year i remember you saying at RM that you werent going to 6. so fuck you. i know what i'm talking about