Recent content by Soultorn666

  1. S

    The Good Old Now Eating (and/or drinking)Thread!

    hmm...I have a bottle of water and the remains of an M&M in my mouth...other than that nothing sadly.
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    Threads that have nothing to do with Dark Tranquillity

    People like putting up threads that have nothing to do with the forum (I refer to the Lord Of The Ring's thread) so I thought I'd put one up too, just because I can and I'm interested in what others have to say. My question is very simple. What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
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    Dark Tranquillity's best CD

    What do you think is Dark Tranquillity's best CD, and why?
  4. S

    From what I understand...

    From what I understand These are the CD's that most people like by Children Of Bodom. Follow The Reaper, Hatebreeder, and Something Wild. I've heard them before but not that much. I had another Thread where I asked what CD I should get first. I didn't get a clear answer so please vote above...
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    I'm getting into Children Of Bodom what CD do you recommend I get first?

    Thanks for all your comments guys. I think I know what to put on my Christmas list this year.
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    I'm getting into Children Of Bodom what CD do you recommend I get first?

    Well I haven't heard a lot of Children Of Bodom but what I've heard I like. I've heard Bodom After Midnight and say a live video of it but I haven't heard much else. So what do you think should be the first CD I buy of theirs?
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    People think my band sounds like Carcass. What do you think?

    I forgot to mention how to here our music. Check us out at
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    People think my band sounds like Carcass. What do you think?

    I don't think so but I would like another opinion.
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    Question for Travis.

    That right there <------ Is a Travis Smith. My band got him to do our art. He does kick ass art and I'd buy a copy. I use his art to represent my (once again right under my name) so I obviously have faith in his art. As long as it had a reasonable price tag I'd buy it...if it...
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    The Blasting teqnique

    In my band I use two different types of blast beat. 1)bass snare bass snare etc. hitting the hi hat or ride with the bass 2)snare bass snare bass etc. hitting the hi hat or ride with the snare That's just how I do it. There are many ways to do it I'm sure...
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    Drumming-Double Bass question

    I've been playing drums sense I was about eight...let me see...that's 12 years in less than a month. I started with double bass about 2 or 3 years ago. When I started I couldn't play that fast. I just started slow. If I was sitting somewhere my feet where flying. I also found another way...