Recent content by sparc

  1. sparc


    I agree. Her vocals are awesome ! I love it, and yes, would be great if she backs to sing in the new album ! :Spin:
  2. sparc


    Yes, I agree ! :hypno: :hypno:
  3. sparc

    Focussing Blur: Epilogue Metalogue

    I think Mr. V would love to send that mp3 ! LOL ! Hey, buy the original one...
  4. sparc

    Ever wonder?

    I'm a Vintersorg's fan too by the same reasons. He's not a God or a superior soul ! But he's a fuckin' great musician and he's too smart obviously. Mr V have your own vision about the life, he's right or wrong ? That's not the question, he's not a prophet, but I think the lyrics make us to...
  5. sparc

    A question about Vintersorg beliefs

    Hello Mr V. ! Everybody knows that you have some beliefs about Universe creation and about every nature functions. Could you tell us about it ? We know that you believe in a "Unditected Architect". What's your visions about it ? And what do you think about death ? Are us really only physical...
  6. sparc

    Vintersorg Music

    I think you're totally right, real fans usually buy original things. I have all Vintersorg albuns and the Borknagar "Empiricism". Here in Brazil is not so easy to find metal material. I still waiting for the Borknagar "Epic" :erk: :wave:
  7. sparc

    About Allan Kardec's Spiritual Philosophy

    (I have found a better text.) Allan Kardec — A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Allan Kardec, the nom de plume of H. Leon Denizard Rivail, was a French educator and philosopher born in Lyon on October 3, 1804. Rivail spoke several languages, and his impressive intellectual background allowed him...
  8. sparc

    About Allan Kardec's Spiritual Philosophy

    Your energy (or spirit) leaves your body. The body is just a shell which will rot away and become part of the earth that we were all a part of. After your spirit leaves your body you will become aquainted with those other energies that have passed before you and face some sort of judgement...
  9. sparc

    About Allan Kardec's Spiritual Philosophy

    Someone knows anything about Allan Kardec's Spiritual Philosophy ? I'm reading some books of them. They talk about reincarnation and other things, it seems to be most interesting... and logical ! It involves physical, chemical, phylosophy, cosmology, a lot of sciences... (Mr. V, I want your...
  10. sparc

    A question to everyone, including Mr V.

    Another question to Mr. V. I want to write a mail, yes, a real mail to you guy ! And I would like that you reply these mail. How can I do it? What address I should write ? Hugs !
  11. sparc

    A question to everyone, including Mr V.

    What do you think about "Night Clubs". Yes, a little place, with a lot of people dancing "plastic music". And we can't talk with no one when we stay inside that place, cause the "plastic music" is playing too loud. For me, it's a infernal place... I really prefer a club with a good music and...
  12. sparc

    Best Vintersorg album ?

    My favorite one is Till Fjälls :)
  13. sparc

    Best Vintersorg album ?

    I like every every albums except "visions from the spiral generator" and the last, "the focusing blur". But...I think the Till Fjälls is the better...