About Allan Kardec's Spiritual Philosophy


New Metal Member
Aug 1, 2004
South Brazil - SC
Someone knows anything about Allan Kardec's Spiritual Philosophy ? I'm reading some books of them. They talk about reincarnation and other things, it seems to be most interesting... and logical ! It involves physical, chemical, phylosophy, cosmology, a lot of sciences...

(Mr. V, I want your opinion too.)

I have not heard about him. But to me it sounds like pseudo-science and (deliberate) misinterpretations of existing theories. You know, like in movies, or when christians try to prove their belief with science...

But if I'm to be a bit more open minded, could you maybe summarize his reincarnation theory? :)
sparc said:
Someone knows anything about Allan Kardec's Spiritual Philosophy ? I'm reading some books of them. They talk about reincarnation and other things, it seems to be most interesting... and logical ! It involves physical, chemical, phylosophy, cosmology, a lot of sciences...

(Mr. V, I want your opinion too.)

I haven't read anything of him, I might find some aspects interesting, but it totally depends on what his conclusions are, or what kind of questionings and reasonoing he uses.

mr V
Your energy (or spirit) leaves your body. The body is just a shell which will rot away and become part of the earth that we were all a part of. After your spirit leaves your body you will become aquainted with those other energies that have passed before you and face some sort of judgement concerning your deeds on earth. I would hope I could become partially 'omnipotent' and like someone else said, i would like to travel and find out all the stuff we always just wonder about.

I hope i'm partially correct - if nothing exist after we die what is the point of living in the first place? A lot of people view death as something horrible, I think it can and will be a beautful thing. ( Posted at "What do you think happens when you die?" by insidethefall )

That's the basic idea of those Allan Kardec's books. He was a french and wrote some books like the first one "The Spirit Book"
Could you find more about it at:
(I can't say that I believe in this thing, but I'm trying to understand cause it's seems to be interesting for me, I'm posting a little text, and I will post more things at next time.)

Who was Allan Kardec

Allan Kardec (whose real name was Hyppolyte Leon Denizard Rivail) was a French educator that, despite his initial skepticism, started investigating some strange and unexplained phenomena that were occurring in France during the 1850's. Very soon he realized, however, the importance and the serious aspects of those phenomena and started doing careful research through mediums (chanellers) who were said to receive messages from spirits.
The great work done by Kardec was to intensively question the spirits, searching for answers that could explain all the aspects of life. He published the questions he asked and the answers he received from the spiritual world in a book called "The Spirits' Book". This book was the initial mark of the so called The Spiritist Doctrine (or Spiritism)
(I have found a better text.)

Allan Kardec, the nom de plume of H. Leon Denizard Rivail, was a French educator and philosopher born in Lyon on October 3, 1804. Rivail spoke several languages, and his impressive intellectual background allowed him to teach courses in comparative physiology, astronomy, chemistry and physics in a prestigious scientific school in Paris. For one of his research papers, he was inducted into the Royal Academy of Arras. He organized and taught free courses for the underprivileged.

In 1854, at the age of 50, Rivail heard of the mysterious paranormal phenomena that had taken America and Europe by storm. Despite his skepticism, he was convinced by close friends to attend an experimental meeting where he was able to witness such occurrences first-hand. His intellectual curiosity and scientific instincts told him that there had to be a rational explanation for these phenomena. Consequently, he began soon afterward to conduct investigations of his own.

Using the same logical rigor that he had applied to his work in education and science, Rivail set out to understand the phenomena. He submitted questions to different channels (mediums), in different countries. The answers were compared, analyzed, and organized for inclusion in The Spirits’ Book, which was first published in 1857.

To keep his new area of research apart from his writings on education, Rivail — on the advice of spirit instructors — adopted the name Allan Kardec, which he was told had been his name in a previous incarnation. In addition to the publication of the books listed below, he founded the Spiritist Society of Paris and La Revue Spirite, a journal he edited until his death on March 31, 1869.

Books by Allan Kardec:
The Spirits’ Book
The Gospel – Explained by the Spiritist Doctrine
Christian Spiritism
The Medium’s Book
Heaven and Hell
Posthumous Work

(from: http://www.allan-kardec.org/whosallan.html )
The Spirits' Book

Allan Kardec

The Spirits' Book is a work at the center of a way of life based on the evolution of the human spirit. It endorses the Christ as the supreme model for human conduct and thought, and stresses the need for inner-transformation and self-knowledge as essential avenues to fulfillment and personal realization on Earth. The reader discovers in its pages that life on Earth is an educational experience designed by God to benefit the eternal consciousness of each individual. In the process of this education, the reader learns, each person comes gradually to understand and accept responsibility for his or her own actions becoming thereby a participant in God's overarching plan: the movement of all human consciousness toward a state of perfection. It is the means of attaining perfection—ethical, psychological, and intellectual—that comprises the book's teachings and makes it a particular valuable contribution to present day discussions regarding the nature of suffering, the possibility of transcendence, and the future of the human race.

The Spirit's Book contains the basic tenets of the Spiritist Doctrine. But whether one is a Spiritist or not, this book is a must-read for every spiritually-inclined person. The “dialogues” between Kardec and the spirit instructors reveal a wisdom that challenges many of our preconceived notions about our spiritual reality, as well as about the causes and purposes of many things and events that are seemingly inexplicable. On a more personal level, the questions and answers featured in the book invite us to a better understanding of the higher-self within each of us; they show us, too, how our past can be reflected in our present successes and struggles and how we can unlock the gates to a brighter, better future. Throughout, Kardec's flawless logic, coupled with the spirits' superb discernment and compassion, make The Spirits' Book a source of inspiration and resolution for the questioning soul, a guide for living ethically in our unsettled world.