Recent content by St.Claus

  1. S

    Hennkas bass

    Do you have any guesstimates on the price for that? Are we talking 2-3000$ for a custom ESP bass?
  2. S

    Hennkas bass

    Yeah, it is the Araya body allright. I love the shape of that bass, but it is not available as Arayas signatur with 5 strings. That is the reason I kicked for Hennkas bass. 5.string and ESP not LTD:rock: The question is if it is available
  3. S

    Hennkas bass

    Hello Is there any bassplayers here? I found, but can't find it in any shops. Is this not for sale? Love the look of that bass, but I don't want the Araya signatur because it is only 4 strings and I really don't want an LTD version...
  4. S

    AYDY album

    Yeah I totally agree! End of discussion - they rock:rock:
  5. S

    AYDY album

    Yeah, thank you for correcting:Saint:
  6. S

    AYDY album

    I have read a lot of post about people saying they don't like this album. I really can't say I understand why... I must admit I didn't like it the first I heard it myself, but I gave it a few rounds in my cd-player and started to love it. What is there not to like? Living dead beat is a killer...