Recent content by tacospice

  1. tacospice

    MURDERBIRD (SWE) - Melodic, Thrash, Rock

    Good day, forum goers! My name's Steve, and I'm the bassist of a brand new Stockholm, Sweden-based metal band called MURDERBIRD. I'd like to see what you all think about our brand new (and currently only) video/song: tl;dr version: Metal/heavy rock, clean vocals, fairly melodic YouTube video...
  2. tacospice

    Xé - Infinity (instrumental prog/death/post/etc etc)

    Hi there. I posted last year in the new band showcase forum with some stuff I'd made (here) Since it's not a new project anymore I guess I'll post here? I think it's the right place. tl;dr link: Some more info: It's basically some kind...
  3. tacospice

    Xé - Instrumental Progressive Metal from Sweden

    Thanks for the comment! I appreciate it.
  4. tacospice

    Xé - Instrumental Progressive Metal from Sweden

    Hi everyone. I'd like to share my latest release, in case anyone's interested. It's instrumental progressive/death/etc metal from Stockholm, Sweden. Link: Let me know what you think!