Recent content by TawnosX

  1. T

    the metalcore scene?

    Just want to point out that Metalcore is not a genre, it's a scene. There is a big 4 of this scene, just like thrash. That being Shadows Fall, Killswitch Engage, Lamb of God and God Forbid. In addition to those bands, other bands that fit the scene are As I Lay Dying, Beyond the Embrace...
  2. T

    March Metal Meltdown?

    Something happened where the organizers kept on switching around the order and both Testament and Obituary started to get pissed off. Supposedly Testament wanted to go on before Obituary, which was the original plan. The organizers at the beginning of the day switched the two of them for a...
  3. T

    March Metal Meltdown?

    Freakin incredible. I got my ass kicked up front, but it was well worth it. Steve D. is an even better bassist live than he is recorded. Played a double neck which was awesome. Chuck said it was the first time they played The Haunting in a really long time, so that was cool. Lots of old...
  4. T

    Official Set List 6-30-03

    I saw you. During most of the show you were near the first set of doors. I was over there most of the time too, but I was on the opposite side of them. I only really noticed you cuz I have the same shirt and it's really rare to see someone with it.
  5. T

    Official Set List 6-30-03

    Alright, yeah I saw a guy with a Jackass shirt on. I had a Megadeth Cryptic Writings on the wall shirt on and was with a blonde girl wearing a strapless tank top type thing with no back (I have no idea what those are called). At least until In Flames when I went into the crowd and ended up...
  6. T

    Official Set List 6-30-03

    Are you the guy who the security guys were trying to grab the camera away from you at one point? If so, I was standing almost right in front of you and I think I saw you get the pick.
  7. T

    In Flames kicked my ass!!

    Only thing missing is a song from TJR.
  8. T

    In Flames - Watch Them Feed (and other comments)

    Each and every one of you that are arguing here is a close-minded jackass. Being open minded means accepting other's opinions, even if that opinion is not to accept your own. I disagree with statements about drop tuning being bad, I disagree with statements about RtR being bad, I disagree with...
  9. T

    Nile/Napalm Death tour

    I saw the show last night in NY. Went for SYL and DT, didn't know much Napalm Death. SYL's guitar's were too low, drums too loud...other than rocked. I definitely liked Napalm Death. Left before Nile because I know they suck. Second time I've gone to a show Nile headlined and left...
  10. T

    "In Flames" opinions...

  11. T

    "In Flames" opinions...

    Haha, if you feel that way, you should listen to stuff outside of metal. I listen to metal mostly, but also hard rock, blues, jazz and classical.
  12. T

    "In Flames" opinions...

    Typical, one who says it's hardcore without really knowing what hardcore is. Oh yeah, and 2 of the bands you mentioned as being the only ones with death left in them arent even Gothenburg. And you forgot The Haunted and Arch Enemy. Soilwork's first album is incredible, in my top 10 of all...
  13. T

    Why Testament never got as popular as the Big Bay Area Four?

    Bay area Four is a misnomer. However, if he had said something like "The Big Four of Thrash" he would have been correct. Whether or not Anthrax has been more popular than Testament is debatable.
  14. T

    "In Flames" opinions...

    Good idea. The truth of the matter is that I don't care too much what your opinion is. People have different opinions, and I never expect anyone to have the same opinion as myself. But when people propose what seem to be baseless opinion, and propose them in a manner that seems like they are...
  15. T

    ***Official NeverBoard MISC METAL FTP***

    Don't kick me, I'm just checkin it out...