March Metal Meltdown?

fuckin awesome... i got my ass kicked by testament. and that floor was really fuckin slipery for the pit i was sliding all over and fallin on my ass hahaha but it was fun as all hell. THEY PLAYED ELECTIC CROWN. hahaha that was a fuckin awesome surprise.
It's great to hear everything went ok and you had a good time!! Why is EC such a surprise? I thought they brought it back for good last year- the response was great, Steve really shines on this one and Chuck sings it as good as on the album. What was the setlist? No new songs?
I'm working out the setlist, and the show fucking killed. They were worth my price of admission alone.

Not in any order, but I know they played "Low," "Into The Pit," "Over The Wall," "Eerie Inhabitants," "Practice What You Preach," "The Haunting," "Disciples Of The Watch," "True Believer" and at least 5-6 more I cannot recall right now. Killer show.
also 3 days in darkness, dnr, down for life, and that completes the list. opened wit dnr and had an encore wit deciples. not new shit unfortunatly said new record around sepember or so so hell yea. me and my friends where yellin at them to play the preacher and someone was like reign of terror. didnt play ither though. fuckin awesome anyways
Freakin incredible. I got my ass kicked up front, but it was well worth it. Steve D. is an even better bassist live than he is recorded. Played a double neck which was awesome. Chuck said it was the first time they played The Haunting in a really long time, so that was cool. Lots of old shit. Can't wait til they come around again.

One of the best parts of the show for me was when one of the crowd surfers got back on stage and me and a few other guys around me wouldn't let him stage dive back into the crowd. We kept on tossing him back on stage. Chuck was just standing there laughing at us. The crowd surfing was a little crazy. Even Steve D. started shoving guys back into the crowd with his body while he was playing.

Kick ass show though.
One of the best shows I have ever been to. Definitely the most fun anyway . 7 years of waiting finally came to an end last night and it was fucking incredible.

I held onto the rail for the whole set so needless to say I'm quite sore today, but I don't care. I love the abuse :kickass:

And the setlist was more or less something like this:

Down For Life
Practice What You Preach
The Haunting
Electric Crown
3 Days In Darkness
True Believer
Into The Pit
Over The Wall
Disciples Of The Watch (encore)

There's one or two more but memory fails at the moment...
Yea it was quite a great experience to see Testament. Their sound was only so-so though, unfortunately. Also they apparently canceled their meet & greet which was upsetting. Some people told me and my friend that Testament hadn't even showed up yet(it was like 9 something) and they were supposed to go on at 10. I was freaking out at this point, and then when Vital Remains played at 10(ahead of schedule) I really thought Testament wasn't going to show. Good thing they did, it was great to watch them play!
Something happened where the organizers kept on switching around the order and both Testament and Obituary started to get pissed off. Supposedly Testament wanted to go on before Obituary, which was the original plan. The organizers at the beginning of the day switched the two of them for a reason I didn't catch. That made Testament mad. Then something happened with Vital Remains that made both Testament and Obituary mad. Vital Remains ended up going on before both of them, with Testament right after. That's the rumor that was floating around. Strange stuff.

And yeah, the sound was so so. Basically, the bass guitar was too loud, otherwise it would've been fine.