SymX to play March Metal Meltdown in NJ, March 13th

Connauch said:
Awesome, Irvington is scary though :( Tell the dudes to pack kevlar.

LOL! Yeah, I could see Jason behind his kit banging out "Of Sins and Shadows" with a kevlar vest on...I'm sure he wouldn't hyperventilate or anything...
urinalcakemix said:
Romeo Soloing w/ a swat helmet a size too small, and kinda sits on top of his head, and carries around a riot shield.


I wonder what their setlist will be. Does anyone know how long they'll be playing for?
I cannot join the fun, but am glad that they are getting to play more in the USA. I saw them in Cincinnati in December and they killed. They closed with Of Sins and Shadows, and played The Odyssey as an encore. It was the most honorable
The cricket club website says you have to be 18 years old to get in! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I'm not even sure if I could've made it anyway but I hope all of you that get to go enjoy the hell out of it.
Odysseus said:
The cricket club website says you have to be 18 years old to get in! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I'm not even sure if I could've made it anyway but I hope all of you that get to go enjoy the hell out of it.

To Quote Matt Barlow:

Whoaaa NO, This can't be.
Someone nearby the venue might want to call them & ask what the age limit is for that particular event..they'd be the ones who knew, more than Ticketmaster..