Recent content by The Bleeding Sun

  1. The Bleeding Sun

    Double Bass Volume On The New Album

    Word. I think the volume is fine. You can hear the bass drum well and the guitars are still in the foreground.
  2. The Bleeding Sun

    Annihilation of Hammerfest//An ancient sign of coming storm translation

    I already found the Ride for vengeance thread before, as I mentioned in the first post. Thanks anyway. So, An ancient sign of coming storm remaining. Does anyone know?
  3. The Bleeding Sun

    Annihilation of Hammerfest//An ancient sign of coming storm translation

    There is already a thread which deals with the translation of the swedish part of Ride for vengeance, but there are two more songs I need translations for. Would be nice if someone could help me with these. "Allvise Ygg, Maktige Harjafader Guda av Asars och vaners att Hor mina ord, nar som...