Recent content by The Turd

  1. T

    dimebag insult

    I think the dickhead is a cop. This is what comes up if you do a search. Anyway, fuck 'im.
  2. T

    O/T: Hackers Are Fucked In The Head

    What's a pron star?
  3. T

    O/T: Hackers Are Fucked In The Head

    yeah a gay porn star (not that there's anything wrong with that)
  4. T

    O/T: My Review of Triple X

    Blood Work hasnt made it to Australia yet. I think we're about 6 months behind in some cases. We have as much chance of seeing current movies as seeing Anthrax touring in the distant future!
  5. T

    O/T: My Review of Triple X

    Tell me about it Trapper. I got so cranky watching Ghosts of Mars. The story was totally shithouse, the effects crap, the acting boring etc etc etc. Poor old John Carpenter. He's still riding on the success he USED to have when he made THE THING
  6. T

    Machine Head

    Machine Head have been through a bit over the years. Good to see they're still around. Like others the first and last album stand out but the middle two have their moments.
  7. T

    O/T: I fell off the wagon!!

    Dont tell me a chick is actually not calling when they said they would. Are you sure she's not really a dude because it's usually blokes who "forget" to call.
  8. T

    Can anybody be bothered to help?

    Obviously Im real new to this board so I apologise for rearing the Monty Python head. I know how hard it can be to put that beast to sleep once it gets momentum.
  9. T

    Can anybody be bothered to help?

    Try being in your 30s and having nerds go mad at the mention of Monty Python. Or the dudes who think its cool to quote Pulp Fiction Ad nauseum. At least when I say I like Anthrax I usually get "are they still around?" Unless your a metalhead most people think a band has broken up if they havent...
  10. T

    RIP Drowning Pool

    Could someone tell me, what is the time over there in America at the moment. we are a day ahead in Australia and Im trying to work out just how quickly the news of old mates death hit the internet.
  11. T

    Can anybody be bothered to help?

    Hi guys, I was hoping somebody could give me some info regarding this message board. I had a quick look but couldnt work it out. How do you become a "senior member". What's a "junior member" and how do I get a personal line of text under my name. Is this an accolade reserved for long time...
  12. T

    All MotorHead/Anthrax UKDates

    jeez, stop all your whinging. At least you can travel to another country to see Anthrax. they havent been to Australia for a while and we're a bit too far away to just"go see em in Germany" Anyway, have a good time.