Can anybody be bothered to help?

The Turd

Pastor of Muppets
Aug 14, 2002
Canberra, Australia
Visit site
Hi guys,
I was hoping somebody could give me some info regarding this message board. I had a quick look but couldnt work it out.
How do you become a "senior member". What's a "junior member" and how do I get a personal line of text under my name. Is this an accolade reserved for long time posters?
Anyway, thanks for any help that somebody may give. I realise its a bit of a bore answering questions like this all the time.
There are so many questions I'd love to post there, but I don't want to listen to some 15 year old tell me what I missed on the 1st 3, or some 40 year old virgin tell me what I forgot in the new ones. But, I love that board! I'm the same way with the ORIGINAL star trek.
Doesn't it suck, that you like the old Star Trek, but you can't admit it because these lame motherfuckers take it just a little too far? On the other hand, I have no qualms about listening to Anthrax, 'cause you guys kick ass!


(and I'm not saying that to get brownie points. I don't fake sincerety very well....)
Try being in your 30s and having nerds go mad at the mention of Monty Python. Or the dudes who think its cool to quote Pulp Fiction Ad nauseum.
At least when I say I like Anthrax I usually get "are they still around?" Unless your a metalhead most people think a band has broken up if they havent been seen on MTV in 3 months.Well that's what its like here in Oz anyway.
You're a junior member until you have 100 posts, then you become a senior member, unless you go into your profile and change it like the rest of us. Make sure you check the box, or it just laughs at you.

I posted at the Pantera board just long enough to go from Cream Puff to Junior Cowboy. Now I sit back and laugh at all the guys who claim to get threesomes on a weekly basis, yet have over 15,000 posts... :confused:

yeah I can't stand people who judge a persons worth by how much pop culture tidbits they know. Then they turn around and claim to be nonconformists. fucking elitists.
P.S. thanks for the info on the title thing! I'm gonna change mine to someth9ing cool now.