Recent content by TheBottomEnd

  1. T

    Happy Birthday "Steph Harris"!

    OMG, I missed it. AACK! Happy B-day Wanda, hope You had a wonderful day full of that amazing smile. Cheers!
  2. T

    Gear geek moment and bass porn in Wanda's favorite color....

    Like 4 string porn. :yow: Thing is, I know it sounds better than it looks. Sweet sweet bass. Very nice job.
  3. T

    Thirsty......???...for some...TROOPER BEER??!

    Neat. Thanks so much. I will most definately check it out.
  4. T

    Thirsty......???...for some...TROOPER BEER??!

    They sure do know what to write to make a beer sound good. I wonder where I'd have to go to find this stuff? Not your typical Quick Stop material, I'm sure.
  5. T

    R.I.P Clive Burr.

    Aye, another sad loss in the world of rock n roll... RIP Clive, you will be missed.
  6. T

    Another newbie fan and an introduction...

    Damn, a bit high of a "cover charge" for me. :( It's gonna be a bit chilly down here this weekend. Well, chilly for FL anyway. Weekend is gonna be gorgeous, enjoy it... Thanks everyone for the words of welcome. Cheers!
  7. T

    Another newbie fan and an introduction...

    Recently discovered you guys on a big surf through Youtube. I was completely blown away, like everyone else. Watched for HOURS that first night. The talent simply blows me away. You all ROCK! :rock: Anyway, I checked out the webpage and found this board and joined in the hopes of finding some...