Recent content by thraxhead

  1. thraxhead

    Was Joey Belldonna considered to be Iron Maiden's singer?

    1980's Maiden destroyed 1980's Priest by a couple of hundred miles. 1970's Priest destroyed anything by any metal band, ever. In fact, Stained Class is still an untouchable masterpiece that has no equal. Every metal album that has been considered "the best ever", be it The Number of The...
  2. thraxhead

    Was Joey Belldonna considered to be Iron Maiden's singer?

    Matos would have been an interesting choice, though I don't think it would have worked out long-term. LaBrie had the technical chops back in the 90's, but sadly couldn't keep Dream Theater afloat after their creative well ran dry from Kevin Moore leaving. Joey? Perhaps. But only on Maiden's...
  3. thraxhead

    the reason all this is happenning

    someone may have thought to try to get back to what made them a success in the 1st place. I'm not too sure about that. I know many people, myself included at times, would think of Iron Maiden and Bruce! Or Priest and Halford! Or KISS with Ace! Maiden, Priest, and KISS were more than just...
  4. thraxhead

    Is this a reunion????

    I'm not so sure. I don't know what to make of this, actually. But I would like to take a trip down memory lane, if anyone cares to read, because some perspective is definitely warranted here. June 19, 1988. This is the date that I first heard Anthrax, on a shitbox little tape of I'm the Man...
  5. thraxhead

    Everyone check this out ...

    To all members of the board: If you haven't seen this yet, go to and register as an Anthrax fan pronto. I'll offer a quote from someone smarter than I to save time: "This site is one you may have heard's a site that bands can access to see where exactly in the...
  6. thraxhead

    Anthrax worth checking out?

    I am also a fan of the 80's material, adn back in the days of the Fan Base website in 94/95, it seemed I was the only one defending thier old stuff. (I'm sorry, but, Sound of White Noise kicked all sorts of ass, and I will post my reasons why later) Anyway, towards State of Euphoria and...
  7. thraxhead

    those who are advocates of Native American rights, please read ...

    This is to inform all of you, that today security is now stationed at Queenston Rd. along with a Tree Ripper. They will be clearing trees on and around the Ossuaries starting Wednesday, January 7, 2004. This is being done despite the warning, that is a sensitive area, being that there are...
  8. thraxhead


    my light on the inside of my car is broken. So that's my answer.
  9. thraxhead

    just picked up Iced Earth's "The Reckoning", a four song preview of the new album

    good review, but "shortcomings in the riffing department"??? Jon, to his credit, hasn't had much of this to speak of. As a matter of fact, I'm always amazed that he CONTINUOUSLY comes up with the riffs that he does, and he NEVER repeats himself. The only shortcoming I can think of is finding the...
  10. thraxhead

    just picked up Iced Earth's "The Reckoning", a four song preview of the new album

    All I can say is: I think we're in for a stellar album. Tim Owens SLAYS Matt Barlowon many levels, and to those of you who aren't familiar with Iced Earth, either get the new one or get Night of the Stormrider(1992), as you will NOT be disappointed. Priest and Iced Earth in 2004!!!! The...
  11. thraxhead

    anihilator- any recommendations?

    I dunno, I thought Set the World Afire had some of their weaker songs on it. Early 90's metal by most established bands at that time were either hit or miss (ie- Testament - The Ritual, Overkill - I Hear Black, Metallica - s/t, Maiden - No Prayer/Fear of the Dark to name a few on the down side...
  12. thraxhead

    anihilator- any recommendations?

    I highly recommend Never, Neverland, as I always loved Jeff's knack for challenging thrash riffs. In 1993, they released Set the World Afire (which is exactly what the album didn't do) and probably ranks as their most commercially pandering album to date. Criteria for a Black Widow was an...
  13. thraxhead

    Lamest Song that Anthrax could cover

    Judas Priest - "Living After Midnight" They did this one on the Euphoria tour, and it was God awful. A God awful song AND a God awful cover, Joey didn't even sing the last verse, must have forgot those thought provoking lyrics. thraxhead
  14. thraxhead

    Fistful of Metal

    Death From Above and Howling Furies ..... two of the greatest Anthrax songs in history. Any chance their bringing these out to play on tour???