Recent content by Thudd

  1. T

    Prog Power EU 2011!??!?!?

    You lucky duck! (lived in Perth for a few years myself until recently) I had kittens when I saw the 2010 lineup, I would have killed to get there. I'll be in the Netherlands next year about a month and a half before PP2012 too :(
  2. T

    Lord - Of Sins and Shadows

    Lord are excellent. I'm not a fan of his vocals either but the lads can certainly play, and pull it off live too.
  3. T

    Iconoclast: News/Info Thread

    Amazon UK lists two Iconoclast 2CD versions: Limited Edition B004WOJ6ZK Box Set B004WPYNY8 Anyone have any idea if there is actually any difference between the two? The prices are almost, but not quite, the same, and the release date are strangely listed as a day apart.
  4. T

    Iconoclast spoiler thread

    Why not? Why aren't they allowed to say they don't like it if indeed they don't? Some of the criticisms I've read so far have been quite reasoned, and not just "Yahhh it's too heavy/not prog/not V".
  5. T

    Symphony X in South America

    At least some of you have been able to see them live! Some of us don't care what the setlist is, we'd just like to see them play anything.
  6. T

    Iconoclast reviews

    And also, any news on somebody like Newbury having signed copies available like the 5.1 PL release?
  7. T

    Iconoclast reviews

    Not necessarily so. Tommy Emmanuel never learned to read music and nobody can doubt his ability.
  8. T

    ''Is this art, or can I throw it away?''

    How far do you go with that then? The first thing that came to mind when I read your response was some of Andy Warhol's work like the Campbell's Soup Cans - dull, banal, mundane, emotionless, unaesthetic, yet they are regarded as icons of modern art. At least the red rectangle is a pleasant...
  9. T

    Iconoclast: News/Info Thread

    I had a fiddle with this myself. For my accent, I'd always pronounce it as riderS, because the S is a shorter and softer sound than the Z. For me to say riderZ it comes out like riderSah, where that 'ah' is short and subtle but adds an unwanted sibilance. If I try to sing it loud and...
  10. T

    ''Is this art, or can I throw it away?''

    Let's take the red rectangle. It interested you and it got you thinking and talking about it and searching for meaning. Is that enough for it to be art?
  11. T

    What are we going to get on this N American tour?

    Australia - which has been listed in the past on their website as being on their tour agenda but which hasn't happened yet. I was *that close* to flying up to Bangkok to see them last year, which is the closest they've got, but the timing just didn't work out.
  12. T

    What are we going to get on this N American tour?

    At least you get to see them! Plenty of places in the world they haven't been to, and international trips to see a 60 minute set aren't really feasible.
  13. T

    The Odyssey vs. Paradise Lost

    It's my own theory, although I have been known as one to overanalyse! True or not though it works for me.
  14. T

    The Odyssey vs. Paradise Lost

    I'm not going to pick either because I like them both for their own reasons. Regarding Russ' 'rough' vocals on PL, I mentioned this once before in another thread but I might give it a re-run because I've never heard this theory/analysis anywhere else. The first couple of songs as Russell is...
  15. T

    Covering Symphony X Vocals

    Not bad! Biggest problem is that on a lot of the big notes it sounds like you've got nowhere left to go whereas RA is only at mid-throttle. Mind you, if the worst criticism I can come up with is "You're not Russell Allen" then you're doing about 1,000x better than I can do! ;) Let me qualify...