Lord - Of Sins and Shadows

One of the better Symphony X covers I've heard for sure. The vocals aren't my thing, but everyone sounds bad when compared to Russ. And yeah, those solos were like note for freaking note from the original version! That's some great playing! The choirs had some odd notes in there, though, especially during the bridge.
Lord are one of the best metal bands going around. I thought the cover, along with the others that they did on their latest EP were really solid. I know that their guitarist Mark is a huge Symphony X fan.

I HIGHLY recommend you check out the LORD facebook and myspace pages, or view one of their hilarious videos on youtube. The guys are all great fun, and their albums (both as Dungeon, and now Lord) are pretty damn amazing. They are also very in touch with their fanbase and are always interacting with them *cough* Unlike a CERTAIN band *cough*.
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Lord are excellent. I'm not a fan of his vocals either but the lads can certainly play, and pull it off live too.
I don't really get the point of recording a cover that sounds like and is arranged exactly like the original. Well played tho.
Wander - because it's showing honour to the original writers and performers of the song. Saying "Hey, this song is really cool - look at the effort we put into duplicating it, we appreciate it that much."
Wander - because it's showing honour to the original writers and performers of the song. Saying "Hey, this song is really cool - look at the effort we put into duplicating it, we appreciate it that much."

That's alright I suppose. I just personally prefer it when there is some new elements added or a different approach. I hardly ever listen to the duplicate covers more than once whereas covers with a very different style compared to the original can be more like a brand new awesome song.

And I personally feel like doing it differently shows just as if not more respect as doing a "copy" of it. Not to offend anyone, but to me that just feels lazy, like... Oh yeah, we like that song so let's cover it without more thought put into it.
I just personally prefer it when there is some new elements added or a different approach. I hardly ever listen to the duplicate covers more than once whereas covers with a very different style compared to the original can be more like a brand new awesome song.

I completely agree.

Here's a nice example:

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Not to offend anyone, but to me that just feels lazy, like... Oh yeah, we like that song so let's cover it without more thought put into it.

I see it differently, I see it as "The drummer in this song plays a totally KILLER fill, and if I were to play something else of my own inventing it would be totally lame and inadequate in comparison".

Although, I don't apply this mentality to every song that I cover personally, but this is definitely the mentality I apply to learning songs by Virgil Donati and other such top class drummers whom I am inspired by.