Recent content by Tirandil

  1. T

    The Metal Classics?

    Yeah, sorry for any misunderstandings, don't take the "classics" in the title too seriously, you can just post your most beloved songs, old or new, here.
  2. T

    Most Kickass Riff of all time?

    The ending riff of Bodom After Midnight, second song on Follow The Reaper, by Children of Bodom... They're not the most intelligent metal band, but that riff owns...:rock:
  3. T

    The Metal Classics?

    Svenske: I noticed that you have GTA Vice, do you not? Or it's just a coincidence, but "Too Young to Fall in love" and "Raining Blood" are both on the GTA Vice soundtrack, pretty cool songs too :cool:
  4. T

    The Metal Classics?

    Greetings Need some titles of metal classics, so I thought I'd post it here. What are your favorite metal songs off all times, post them here, it'll be good for me to expand my knowledge as well. I'll start with some songs I'll never forget: _Fear of the Dark - Iron Maiden...
  5. T

    When the world comes tumbling down.

    Vulture: Now even if you're not into powermetal, or into Blind Guardian, you can't say that Hansi Kürsch lost his voice. Imo, he has one of the greatest voices I've ever heard, in powermetal, and his voice hasn't changed a bit (in a bad way) since his first album. :heh: :D
  6. T

    When the world comes tumbling down.

    Cybercrash said it all. Kids these days are victims of mainstream, which gets more clever every day. But I was just annoyed by seeing this nu-metal Limp Bizkit fanboy wear gothic clothes...
  7. T

    When the world comes tumbling down.

    Greetings My school is full of typical nu-metal, skating Limp Bizkit fanboys. And if that isn't sad enough, it gets worse. One of them started wearing a Danny Filth ring, a long, black coat and is telling all his cool nu-metal friends how great Cradle of Filth is. Ofcourse, he hasn't gotten...
  8. T

    Reroute to remain.

    I'm glad this is taken so lightly. I've been having some problems with loggin in and posting here, from time to time. Next time something's wrong, I'll let you know. Thanks. ;)
  9. T

    Best CD?

    Yeah, I can't stand bands like Manowar etc. But I do love Blind Guardian, they put lots of intelligence and emotion into their songs without making them (too) cheesy.
  10. T

    Reroute to remain.

    I know this is the wrong forum, and I know this thread has been discussed before, and I even agreed that this is a stupid idea, before I posted this. I was ahead of that, people, I'm not that stupid. My apoligies for this thread, but there was something wrong this morning, when I tried to...
  11. T

    Reroute to remain.

    Greetings I heard some harsh, some good too, comments about this CD... Whatcha'll think, and how good is it compared to Damage Done?
  12. T

    Best CD?

    My apoligies for the spam, just wanted to see the reactions ;) Anyway, I haven't heard the complete Damage Done album, which is a shame, I know, so I can't really judge, but I hardly think I'd like it better than A Night at The Opera. I'm surprised that many people here even like Blind...
  13. T

    Best CD?

    drum drum badafal!!!!! N'Sync has coolness
  14. T

    Best CD?

    *cough*... really no one voting for N'Sync? Come on, the guys at the N'Sync forum sometimes vote for Dark Tranquillity too, no kidding. Give them a break :p
  15. T

    Best CD?

    Greetings Which is your favorite CD? I actually prefer the latest N'Sync CD. Ofcourse, it's easier to put emotion into a pop song, than into grunts etc. But the producing, lyrics and grief which you can hear on the new N'Sync CD... pretty undeniable that this is a work of art. Certainly, it...