Recent content by Tockusa

  1. T

    Entombed using a Peavey bandit? Is that internet BS?

    Listen to those guitars at 4 mins: If that is a HM2 into a Peavey Bandit I’ll eat my ilok. I’m pourung through live photo’s of that era and it’s nothing but Marshall. It’s sounds like a 2203 Into 75’s and a HM-2. What proof is out there that it was a Bandit solid state combo with a crap...
  2. T

    Any Obituary fans? I recreate the exact amp/pedal and the secret of the sound.

    Yep the rack was used by Morbid Angel. They are great for rounded boosting. Mine is modded and gets even bloomie sludgyr. But I used it stock. If you have a ts9, RAT, MZ and Hm2 you pretty much have most DM/Thrash covered.
  3. T

    Any Obituary fans? I recreate the exact amp/pedal and the secret of the sound.

    Thanks. I do the same for Exodus, Metallica, Alice In Chains, INXS, Stevie Ray Vaughan, The Beatles etc but this was the hardest to put together. Not so much dial once I had the ingredients, but finding the ingredients in the first place. This is the article whee they said it's just a Strat...
  4. T

    Any Obituary fans? I recreate the exact amp/pedal and the secret of the sound.

    It took me ages to suss out. But I think I got close in the end. Needs tape and the compression of EMG's IMO. After a short intro and the music, I go into the gear, but forgot to mention tone knob must be at 20%. I mention at the end but the vid is long.
  5. T

    I tried to recreate the Exodus & Andy Sneap studio setup...

    True! My HUGE pedalboard power crapped out on one gig. It was a 70's style band with heavy reverb/rotary vibe, pitchifters etc. I played completely vanilla. Clean and heavy channel. Dry as a bone. People who knew our songs so well they sung lyrics didn't notice my effects were gone. Nobody...
  6. T

    I tried to recreate the Exodus & Andy Sneap studio setup...

    Thanks. I'll check it out when I'm not on my phone. I think a jb to a custom is kinda a sideways move. The jb is awesome. but it may get strident with the savage grind. The custom sounds slightly more modern so I'm not sure if modern on top of a modern amp tone will be very vibey. I...
  7. T

    I tried to recreate the Exodus & Andy Sneap studio setup...

    Cheers! In the room it's crazy. This is a 1x12 behind my couch. (Pet friendly)
  8. T

    I tried to recreate the Exodus & Andy Sneap studio setup...

    Thanks man! Do you have a link to yours? It's a great tone to chase. Andy has such an influence on my playing. Check out a 19 year old me. You can hear the Sabbat influence:
  9. T

    I tried to recreate the Exodus & Andy Sneap studio setup...

    This one is better played cranked...I had issues with Sonar crashing so I could not mix and master it properly. One side is louder than the other. But it still sounds OK. It's a bit mixed up because I mimic one albums setup, but play a song from an earlier album. What do you think?