Recent content by tommidt

  1. tommidt

    Tommy Karevik is replacing Roy Khan on Kamelot world tour?

    Mr. Eriksen is an awesome vocalist. On a sidenote here, my friend (the guitarist from Finnish band LEVERAGE "the guy who plays the first solo in that video) is currently making an album with Michael Eriksen. I heard some unmixed tracks from that album...
  2. tommidt

    10 year anniversary video!

    Thank you guys!! Very nice videoclips. Merry Xmas to you as well!
  3. tommidt

    "WANTED" Live DVD

    Agreed totally!
  4. tommidt

    The Great Escape - Forum Reviews

    There's not much I can add to previous reviews & praises above, but I'll mention my 3 absolute favourite things in this amazing album: 1) King Of Whitewater: This particular song is maybe my all-time favourite SW tune. Simply amazing, especially that instrumental part in the middle including...
  5. tommidt

    Release Part for The Great Escape - Dec 4, 2010

    Long Way From Home with Jenny, WOW! And that I Want Out must have been cool as well. Too bad I missed this show... Found this from youtube:
  6. tommidt

    TGE Review Thread

    The reviewer mentions that he prefers this new one over Mercy Falls... He praises the album pretty much, so I wonder why so "low" percentage...? Well, 90/100 is pretty good too, I guess. :)
  7. tommidt

    A new acquaintance...

    Yeah, I loved their album "Change Direction" (1997) back when I bought it when it was released. The next one was disappointment to me and I kind of forgot the band then... Now, this new video looks/sounds pretty promising, so I have to re-check them out. :)
  8. tommidt

    Three questions for Johan

    I meant to ask you about these things after the Jyväskylä-gig, but forgot then... :) Good thing though, that we both praised Nuno so much in the discussions after the gig backstage. Nice to know that we speak the same "musical" language. :D
  9. tommidt

    Live in Finland!

    Thank YOU too Maxx! It was so cool to meet you and enjoy the greatness of SW. :) It's nice to hear you enjoyed your time here in cold land of ours... Sirclansman, post more pics please... :) Andreas, you are too kind.... It was my pleasure to work for a such an awesome band like SW...
  10. tommidt

    Live in Finland!
  11. tommidt

    Live in Finland!

    "They played Wiseman, you bastards!!" (South Park reference, for those who don't know) :p:grin: That must have been awesome!
  12. tommidt

    Live in Finland!

    A couple of videos I found from youtube (taken from the Turku-gig 11.11.2010):
  13. tommidt

    Live in Finland!

    What he said, awesome show indeed! Thanks for that guys. Merchandise sold very well. :grin: Especially it was awesome to see Johnny behind the drumkit (last time for me.), Really monster on drums! The guys also seemed to like the gig a lot what we talked after the gig. Thanks for the amazing...
  14. tommidt

    Live in Finland!

    You got that right buddy! :Smokin::Smokin:
  15. tommidt

    Live in Finland!

    Well, we have snow on the ground here in Jyväskylä at the moment (0 degrees celsius)... :p Come and say hi to the merchandise-guy in that Jyväskylä gig... :grin: