Recent content by tommyv

  1. tommyv

    I'm Baaaaaaaaack!

    Hey, I heard MikeyBong is back! Or is this just another Internet Rumor? :u-huh: out, t
  2. tommyv


    Don't do it Dude! United we stand and all that. out, t
  3. tommyv

    Billy Milano rumour *sigh*

    mmmmmmm, drinks. :kickass:
  4. tommyv

    John Bush sings Gung-Ho

    John owned that Fuckin Song!!!!!...........Fuckin Awesome!! Scott on the mad whammy bar too :lol: Where was this done, anyone know? All those people standing around the stage like it's a Journey Concert or something! :u-huh: I really dug the guy with the Red Hard Hat on behind Charlie...
  5. tommyv

    Billy Milano rumour *sigh*

    Has anyone else noticed, since this thread started. How many "lurkers" have been hanging on this board?! :Smug: Waiting for the "scoop of the year" I guess? out, t
  6. tommyv


    Wow, really?!..........I gotta disagree with that one. I think it's another Rock Solid release from the UFO camp. Of the recent releases I've only been dissapointed with the new live one "SHOWTIME" it just doesn't seem to have any Energy and punch to it at all. out, t
  7. tommyv


    Oh YES, STRANGERS for sure! Force It! (1975) No Heavy Pettin (1976) Lights Out (1977) No Place to Run (1980) w/ Paul Chapman is a classic. "Mystery Train" is just a killer track! UFO are still kicking out Rock Solid Albums too! The new one "Monkey Puzzle" is great! Vinnie Moore is playing...
  8. tommyv

    John Bush = new voice of Burger King

    Oh for sure. If I wasn't actively listening for him, I wouldn't have known either. out, t
  9. tommyv

    Joey Belladonna to support Overkill????

    Ok Ok.....I retract my Comment. out, t
  10. tommyv

    Joey Belladonna to support Overkill????

    :grin: out, t
  11. tommyv

    John Bush = new voice of Burger King

    :heh: :kickass: out, t
  12. tommyv

    John Bush = new voice of Burger King

    I saw/ heard the first spot with Bush lastnite. Can't mistake his voice once your listening for it. out, t
  13. tommyv

    Joey Belladonna to support Overkill????

    eerrrrr, okaaaay? Shouldn't he be writing (or at least helping to) new materials with the rest of Anthrax at this point? out, t
  14. tommyv

    John Bush = new voice of Burger King

    I just read this on Blabbermouth! I really have no response to this right now?:u-huh: Does this mean Burger King is gonna change there tag line to "Can U Deliver"?:kickass: out, t
  15. tommyv

    New demo's

    Yes He is!............:p out, t