Recent content by TonightsMusic

  1. TonightsMusic

    bla bla

    do you like me new avatar?
  2. TonightsMusic

    Trying to list all katatonic bands

    Thine-In Therapy from Peaceville Yearning-Frore Meadow
  3. TonightsMusic

    Female Katatonia fans

    Yes it is true that's me in the avatar.I am from Turkey.You are so lucky then from every girl that living here.Cause it will took a year to come Viva Emptiness album here in the musicmarkets.But I am a big fan And I entered the Katatonia competition And Won it a Promo Cd including Three songs of...
  4. TonightsMusic

    Female Katatonia fans

    I am a big fan but I so far from you ,...
  5. TonightsMusic

    Now playing what?

    now I am listening Ulver-Lost In Moments has anyone know the band ''Thine'' they are very good but I just have one song of them that calle 'In Therapy'. Their record label is Peaceville also.
  6. TonightsMusic

    Katatonia Web-Page

    you can see on the date written there
  7. TonightsMusic

    Now playing what?

    Now I am listening Porcupine Tree-Blackest Eyes and others what are you listening now?
  8. TonightsMusic

    new album update

    how can ı find this songs from internet? :((
  9. TonightsMusic


    if you mentioned The band 'Interpol' I loved them too two days ago I watched the video of Obstacle 1 song it was good. but it is different now I have never seen her face again I have never seen this place again
  10. TonightsMusic

    new album update

    how can ı find this songs from internet? :((
  11. TonightsMusic

    what the hell is that on the VE cd tray underlay????

    what is jizz.I don t know.I am from Turkey.
  12. TonightsMusic

    Hey, new to Katatonia here

    If you want some heavy kicking KATATONIA music,Listen to 'BRaVe MurDEr Day' it will be best for you.But if you want some melancholy listen to Viva Emptiness. how can I change my profile? can somebody help me?
  13. TonightsMusic

    Katatonia Videos ?

    where did you heared that they will cover this song? Has anyone got that song? I had entered the KATATONIA competition and won the promo cd.I am so lucky for it.I want to have letter friend with whom I can talk about good music.Who wants it.I am from Turkey there isn't lots of girls that love...
  14. TonightsMusic

    Katatonia Videos ?

    yes I dont know what is poll? and what that means options? I just wrote that But I want to watch a KATATONIA video Nothing else I just interested.why...If Anyone know where can I find the TEARGAS video I will be the happiest girl around the world... I trusted you,you lied It's all I...
  15. TonightsMusic

    Katatonia Videos ?

    has anyone seen any of Katatonia video?I can't find anywhere.Have they an video of any songs? My lips are dry you gave me drugs to try Hold me when I die The sky has frozen to a wall We die we all.... In...