Recent content by Tothecore92

  1. T

    Sample of album song for critique...ambient/progressive,TSE,Slate

    Love it man, reminds me of coheed.
  2. T

    More ambient metal!!

    Oh man.. I love this shit, so much. The styles between the music changes a little bit, but i love it. You have like some trippy melodic mixed with like a groove denoted rush. Where can i download some of this?
  3. T

    dubstep. (: not metal.

    haha hell yeah man, i fucking love dubstep :D
  4. T

    Hardfucking core mix

    As in, lets get some info on the bass :lol:
  5. T

    8 String Chugs W/6505+ Need a little input

    The best guitar tone i have heard on this forum.. those open chugs are ridiculous. After The Burial written all over that.
  6. T

    Yo fucks! I was wondering what do you guys think of this shit?

    Well.. Looks like its time for you to make a new account, seeing that everything thinks you are a douche.. maybe come back with a not so douchey sense of humor.
  7. T

    FS:VADER 412

    I bought this vader about a year ago and have maybe played it twice for a total of 2 hours? Never played at high volume either.. I bought it in need for a new 412. The cab itself sounds amazing, the low end is pounds you in the face, but it just wasnt my cup of tea. It has been sitting in a...
  8. T

    Hey guys, myspace layout designer here

    Yeah man.. i have been through hell :P i can actually make a visible block button.. and i actually do two different styles of overlay. pure customization and the traditional stylesheet. I just chose not to put a block button on mine.
  9. T

    Hey guys, myspace layout designer here

    Yeah, my girlfriends parents arent exactly very fond of me... oh well. lets not speak of that, i have heard enough for the past week.
  10. T

    Hey guys, myspace layout designer here

    Well i really just opened the business itself. I have had one true client. Here is the page, its a simple recording layout.. thats what he asked for.
  11. T

    Hey guys, myspace layout designer here

    Go to my page and check it out, Prices are negotiable. Full page customization.. i do band layouts, recording layouts, personals.. anything :] let me know guys
  12. T

    Circle Of Contempt guys?

    So sumerian has a new artist.. and they are pretty amazing. most definitely born of osiris sounding, with a mix of the faceless off the wall solos. I am really digging it.
  13. T

    Not Metal, experimental breakcore

    I honestly love it, it sounds amazing to me. what did you use to pull that off?
  14. T

    digidesign's protools hd nov / dec upgrade special

    Well mac pros are completely upgradeable so it wouldnt really matter, plus you cant get much better than 8 cores :P And if there was ever in room for improvement in the DISTANT future, he could easily just pop some more memory or processor. i highly doubt they will upgrade the mac pros now, they...
  15. T

    New mix roughly masterd by joshua logan

    Most def the BEST mix i have ever heard from you. really fucking great man.