Recent content by Tropical

  1. T

    Post a time signature and a song to go with it.....

    7/4 alice in chains - them bones dream theater - erotomania pink floyd - money 6/8 metalica - nothing else matters 4/4 ah almost everything in flames - episode 666 that should do
  2. T

    new old school metal

    yeah people have probly noticed this and given it a name but here goes notice how theres a few bands out now that nu old school e.g, killswitch engage, hatebreed there new yes but have lots old school elements such as harmonising their probly heavier then the old scool bands though...
  3. T

    All Australian Heavy shift

    any one with austar here probably watches the heavy shift well what did you think of the all australian one?? :confused:
  4. T

    Favourite Aussie bands

    henrys anger eh isaw them , that is tho say i seen them quite good are they still together?
  5. T

    Favourite Aussie bands

    I am from from goulburn there was a rumor going round that theyd get back together but like most rumors it was bullshit
  6. T


    listening to some of the old school bay area thrashers made me want to write a really fast song with an awesome tapping solo by the way thanx for telling me i had no fucking video but my brother taped it to bad he lives a 1000kms away
  7. T

    Like melodic death metal? Check this out!

    pretty cool! what role do you play in the band
  8. T

    Favourite Aussie bands

    no just a fan i know the people in it but im not like best friends or anything
  9. T

    Favourite Aussie bands

    im guessing most of you live in Australia so have any of you heard of DTOX just a thought