Recent content by Violence X

  1. Violence X

    TRAPPED>>>>info on MARTYR AD

    What. are you mad? Martyr AD are a cool band, they are hardcore man, not numetal. Bah, Whats this other Martyr like? Heavy stuff or what?
  2. Violence X


    ...It probably is his sister... or brother(?)...
  3. Violence X

    When is Enemy Of Reality coming out?

    Is that the name of the new nevermore album??? Sorry, i'm not really up to date with this stuff.
  4. Violence X

    A very good link dealing with Poison PUSS

    It's all in good fun. :grin:
  5. Violence X


    Very good. I like the In Memory ep the best, but Dreaming Neon Black is just as good. :rock:
  6. Violence X

    Dream theater?

    Scenes from a memory.... best album.
  7. Violence X


    The colour sceme of this forum is BLINDING me. Enough WHITE for yall???
  8. Violence X

    Come to Australia, dammit!!

    Agreed... come to oz.
  9. Violence X

    I am going to see opeth!

    *shrug* I'm in oz, so there is no chance for me to see opeth.
  10. Violence X


    Tool = Good.
  11. Violence X

    Women and heavy metal.

    :lol: @ Drexle