Recent content by whitey131

  1. W

    Worship music with Nelson

    i'm pretty impressed it hasn't leaked. Music companies can't hold shit until release dates anymore.
  2. W

    My Concerts For This Year So Far...

    was it 04? I remeber it being oasis 160 but I think I saw them there a second time with frankie around the we've come for you all tour.
  3. W

    Worship music with Nelson

    A friend and I were talking and it came up that the Nelson version of WM never leaked. Is it because of great secrecy or did no one really give a shit enough to rip the songs and post them?
  4. W

    My Concerts For This Year So Far...

    Yep. The only time I saw anthrax that wasn't great was with Joey Vera in the band. His playing was up to snuff for sure but he is no frank when it comes to the energy.
  5. W

    My Concerts For This Year So Far...

    Holy shit mikey, I was at Crüe/kiss and thrax on Thursday. I bought the medusa shirt.
  6. W

    john bush interview

    hitler didn't play guitar And yes, that response is abou as retarded as your initial point.
  7. W

    scott on illegal dl

    Same her
  8. W

    scott on illegal dl

    And yet you have tugged yourself to free internet porn without knowing if the content was legally uploaded or not.
  9. W

    scott on illegal dl

    I'm pretty sure the porn industry had a huge transformation in recent years as well...and yet, we still have porn.
  10. W

    scott on illegal dl

    It's not really a transitional phase anymore. This is the current face of the music biz.
  11. W

    scott on illegal dl

    Just to add, retail fronts are responsible for loss prevention within their 4 walls, meaning if I walked into best buy and stole a cd best buy would take the hit to their numbers. The record industry should be investing in ways to secure their digital data so that only paying customers are...
  12. W

    scott on illegal dl

    Meh, your point is a little off. Bussiness models evolve. At one point in time musicians made a record, sold x amount of copies, toured, got x amount of $. Now, they more or less make music to promote a tour where they can make x amount of $. Scott, as many musicians has a beef with that...
  13. W

    scott on illegal dl

    even if everyone paid for a digital download this would happen. Media formats change as the technology does.
  14. W

    scott on illegal dl

    I remember an interview where Lars was talking about making copis of his NWOBHM albums for James when they were younger. Same thing, no?
  15. W

    joey renihwnikufesin

    I wouldn't go that far. Joey's solo albums didn't sell for shit. These guys all need each other.