Worship music with Nelson


May 2, 2005
A friend and I were talking and it came up that the Nelson version of WM never leaked. Is it because of great secrecy or did no one really give a shit enough to rip the songs and post them?
I guess it's because of great secrecy.

It was delayed and he was kicked out, what, a couple of weeks before it was supposed to come out? They probably never shipped out copies.

I'm sure we'll hear it eventually, somebody somewhere will get a hold of it.
I think it would be interesting to hear it, but I can't imagine it would hold a candle to the Joey version.
i'm pretty impressed it hasn't leaked. Music companies can't hold shit until release dates anymore.
i'm pretty impressed it hasn't leaked. Music companies can't hold shit until release dates anymore.

It's not music companies that leak shit. It's the press. That's why they never gave any copies out whenever they showcased any music from WM with DN to magazine journalists etc. They would simply play it for them rather than hand them a hard copy.
i think nelson has a copy but he said he would never leak it,he could be full of shit though:),i suppose it would be cool to hear it but i reckon nelson would b fully aware that joey would hand his ass to him vocally,also legally it would be a battlefield.
@AlexStomp is spot on. I even remember Charlie saying as much `we don't give out copies - we go and play the album for the press so as to avoid copies leaking''.
I'd be interested in hearing it, but only out of curiosity.

It's easy to imagine. We have plenty of youtube footage of dan nelson with Anthrax to analyze. Obviously youtube clips aren't gonna have the polishness of a studio recording but it's easy to imagine. Dan Nelson wouldn't have the finesse to sing songs like Constant and Revolution Screams, or any of them. He had the brute force but he isn't the crooner that Joey is. Joey is very musical and treats his voice like another musical instrument where as Dan was more of a yeller/cheap anselmo rip off.
Can the next album top this one? I think so, what do you guys think they should do to top themselves now?

How to top themselves?

IT would be great if the band would re-visit their 'ol thrash/speed metal' root.

Stop with the 'modern' sound and go back to their roots.
Among the Living or Spreading the Disease part 2 please.

Or Persistence 2, but Worship music is kinda along those lines already.