...the problem being that it's becoming increasingly difficult to decide who is living in the past in relation to Anthrax, since the past may very well be the present tomorrow (if for example John Bush was to return again).

It could be worse though. Click on the link below and have a look at the band bio for a intricate study of possible line-up changes.

they had nearly as many line up-changes as Anthrax *lol*.

june 4th 2010, Joey was the Anthrax-singer

june 20th 2010, Joey still was the Anthrax-singer

august 8th 2010, Joey still was the Anthrax-singer (i can see antwax in the crowd screaming "Bring back Bush!!!", but where is the pit???)

august 13th 2010, who is the current Anthrax-singer???
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Dan Nelson is reportedly in therapy for an identity crisis. He apparently thinks he is Phil Anselmo and can't seem to get his own identity back. I wish him well. Soon he will be slamming heroin and dying and coming back to life etc etc.