Recent content by windstranger

  1. W

    Just wanted to say goodbye...

    I really care and I am sure that a lot of people here care about your leaving! :) I will miss you and will keep you in my prayers. Good luck, take care and be safe! Your friend Denis. (did someone say "the menace"?) hehehe
  2. W

    new member and 2 of my poems for the band and all

    Hello! It is really strange and shocking to hear such reactions to my poetry. Not that I think it is the best a person can write, but I do not see a reason to treat it like that. You may have your reasons to treat me in a bad way If I have given you a right for that. I simply thought that I...
  3. W

    new member and 2 of my poems for the band and all

    Half in the darkness, half in the light Half in a madness, half in a fright Half in despair, half in a dream Half through the silence, half through the scream. Half in a water, half in dry land Half led by blind, but still with a hand Half through the crying, yet not a laugh A bit of...
  4. W

    new member and 2 of my poems for Mick, Duncan and all...

    Half in the darkness, half in the light Half in a madness, half in a fright Half in despair, half in a dream Half through the silence, half through the scream. Half in a water, half in dry land Half led by blind, but still with a hand Half through the crying, yet not a laugh A bit of...
  5. W

    back with 2 poems of mine

    Half in the darkness, half in the light Half in a madness, half in a fright Half in despair, half in a dream Half through the silence, half through the scream. Half in a water, half in dry land Half led by blind, but still with a hand Half through the crying, yet not a laugh A bit of...
  6. W

    for Matti... and not only :)

    P.S. Forgot the link:
  7. W

    for Matti... and not only :)

    Dear friends! Here is the link to the page which contains 2 instrumentals I wrote and my recent picture. :) One instrumental has already been heard by people here, but I would like to hear what Matti thinks. :) Thanks. *hugs* Your loving friend Denis.
  8. W

    a poem to share with your all

    Dear friends! I was absent quite for a while... but want to share it with your all... *hugs* There I stood under the streams of rain, left in the darkness and pain Tried to understand why are you gone... could it be that I went bad and wrong? There was no sun where I was, an orphaned...
  9. W

    My own instrumental, dedicated to the band and everyone here!

    Thank you very much, dear Kobi!!! You can't even imagine how much happy I became after your reply. Thank you so much, brother! *hugs* :) :blush: :blush: :blush: Kobi, I was sending an email message to the address that is finishing with "". Have you ever received it? I couldn't get...
  10. W

    I am back home and to the forum!

    Thank you for your message, dear friend... As for life in Kiev, I think that 500 Hiroshimas (that's Chernobyl) would say enough and would explain why I am wishing to leave Kiev as soon as it's ever possible... As for another girl... it's hard to think about it now, but I know deep in my heart...
  11. W

    My own instrumental, dedicated to the band and everyone here!

    Dear friends, I want to share my own instrumental, dedicated to the band and all the people here. I am awaiting for Matti's comments! *blushes* File is 960kb long and lasts for 3 minutes, 2 seconds, home recording... And the link is:
  12. W

    I am back home and to the forum!

    Dear friends! Dear family! I am finally back home and happy to be here again! I had some trouble connecting to the Net, but now it seems to be fixed. How has everyone been here? :) Any news? I had a heavy day today, was meeting my ex-girlfriend... It was quite hard and being here is helping...
  13. W

    3 of my poems to share before i leave

    3 of my poems i want to share before i leave for 2 weeks... anyone, wishing to stay in touch, email me, please... Thanks for all who has sent their birthday wishes to me and my brother... it is/was on 13th... :) And now on to the poems: (c)2004 Denis Chernov Music. == DID YOU FORGET ==...
  14. W

    Deleted Posts...

    Dear Dreamcell! Almost all of my posts have been deleted, including 2 poems I wrote... There was a hard disk crash at the main server and we are lucky that not all of the posts are lost. I know it hurts, but we must thank God for what is recovered. Take my understanding, brother. :erk...
  15. W

    22.06.04 Washing Tel Aviv Again !!

    Thank you, Folklore! You never stop to amaze me with your great posts!!! :) I adore that flyer design! Your friend Denis.