Recent content by without

  1. without

    The girl on the cover of Teargas

    hahahahah WTF?
  2. without

    Post your ugly face

    that's what I call pretty ;)
  3. without

    Post your ugly face

    istanbulluyum cnm : )
  4. without

    Post your ugly face

    haha sorry but ı don't have any exciting story to tell you, I met with band 4 years ago when they came to my country, and after that we keep contact via ıcq. the t-shirt that I wear was a present from them, so after ı took that photo.. ı sent the picure, and said "see...
  5. without

    why is she wearing a top?

    damn! it's not real rigth? it's just photoshop.. even their faces looks like male ööğğğ
  6. without

    Post your ugly face

    it was just fun, nothing else : ) sorry for the temporary disturb ;)
  7. without

    Post your ugly face

    wow, there is very very handsome guys in that forum. I didn't notice that before :grin: and some of you may recognise that one ;)
  8. without

    Do Katatonia fans like My dying bride??...

    yes I do.. very much. I'll try to go to london gig (november 18, my birthday : )
  9. without

    pics that emotionally affect you

    ok.. some pic are hard to look but I still like those pic
  10. without

    The pic thread
  11. without

    ginger are we

    why does nobody mention axl rose??? dave & axl are the ginger godd to me ;) hehe
  12. without

    pics that emotionally affect you AWSOME
  13. without

    best bands ever

    led zeppelin pink floyd metallica (to me) and of course bruzum :p
  14. without

    1&2 October Istanbul gigs

    it was brillant.. it was the best show I've ever seen.. while they were playing one last good bye.. they stoped playing and listened the crowd.. everybody (there was more then 2500ppl) in there was singing along.. it was a wonderful moment..
  15. without

    pics that emotionally affect you