Do Katatonia fans like My dying bride??...

If comparing older Katatonia and MDB, I'd consider Katatonia better even though they are slightly different kind of doom metal (at least that's what I think). I think that MDB is harder to get in to and more melancholic than Katatonia. Own Turn loose the swans and the best MDB songs are Sear me MCMXCII and She is the dark. Aaron rocks ;)
I like MDB. The first album of theirs I heard was Turn Loose the Swans and I listened to that for a long time. I think The Angel and the Dark River is great too. But really, I don't see why everyone condemns the 34.788% Complete album; I think it's brilliant. Sure it's a departure from their traditional sound but that by no means makes it bad.
I really like them, but I must say that most of their albums have 3-4 great songs and the rest is a bit mediocre, also the last 2 albums, I love the first 2 tracks on each album, but then my attention fades, it's not bad, but simply not as capturing..
I used to love them in the past. Albums like Turn Loose The Swans, The Angel And The Dark and of course others helped me to survive every day when I was in very shitty mood.... but I'm not interested in their music so much nowadays.
I've been a fan since 1996. They were my favourite band from 1996-99. 'Songs of Darkness, Words of Light' is the best album since 'Like Gods of the Sun'.
I registered just to say that I also love 34.788% and am happy to finally hear others speaking highly of it.
I remember getting a sample cd of them a few years back when I ordered Katatonia and I really liked them.

Does anyone remember that cd? It had a song from Thine which I could never find anywhere else. Sounded like a mix of the smiths, the clash and the cure or something.

Anyway, MDB sound very nice, although I don't care for the death metal vocals.
DeeBag said:
Anyway, MDB sound very nice, although I don't care for the death metal vocals.

Might I direct you towards the albums 'The Angel and the Dark River' and 'Like Gods of the Sun' as neither album contains any growled vocals at all. There is a heavier emphasis on romance in those albums too, and to this day they remain my favourites of the My Dying Bride canon.