Recent content by wyldeguitarist

  1. W

    Death/thrash metal band seeking drummer, 2nd guitarist in Los Angeles

    Damascus: We're looking for members who can commit right away. Age 18-23. Cheers!
  2. W

    Las Vegas date of tour

    Anyone know why Anthrax isn't playing that date? Says its Testament and Death Angel only.
  3. W

    Seeking guitarist and drummer in LA

    Hey folks, we are a seasoned death metal band in Los Angeles, recently moved from Santa Rosa, California. We're seeking a drummer and a guitarist, no older than 24. Damascus - Note that we have newer material, as yet unreleased, with a bit higher level of...
  4. W

    String Gauge - Does it really matter?

    I've always thought the thicker and fatter sound of thick strings were better than the easiness of thin strings. And, the thick strings build your finger muscles much faster.
  5. W

    musicians seeking musicians

    I'm a guitarist for Damascus and we are moving to Los Angeles next month and will need a drummer asap as our current one is staying behind in Santa Rosa, California. Here's our page:
  6. W

    Death Spirals

    Hey guys, I'm just plugging my band here. We're Damascus from Santa Rosa, Californa (northern California) and play death/thrash metal. Anyway, we want our music to spread so we're giving away our debut ep here (I own the rights). Pm me for a link. Myspace:
  7. W

    Damascus, new death metal from California

    Hey all, I play in Damascus out of Santa Rosa, Cailfornia, and want you guys to check out our shit. We spent the summer recording our debut ep. A song from it is up on our myspace, please give me some feedback and stuff. We're just getting off the ground now, but its happenin so check it and let...
  8. W

    Nile (less low growls as they progress?)

    I've noticed that Nile doesn't do as much low growling in their newer music as in their earlier stuff. I've only listened to some of Those Who The Gods may detest, am I just hearing a few songs with less of the lows, or did they start steering away from super-low growls after Annihilation?
  9. W

    Seattle showbox...

    hahahaha lmao i read the original quote but the way you commented on it made it so much funnier.
  10. W

    Opeth as workout music

    I listen to Cannibal Corpse, Black Dahlia Murder, Nile, etc. heavy/fast as fuck/melodic death metal to work out.
  11. W

    Opeth @ The Grand Ballroom San Francisco OCT.6

    Fuck yeah, toniiiiight. Coming through with a buddy I recently turned on to Opeth and my younger brother who I'm trying to convert. Cheers for Opeth and the herb.
  12. W

    Bay area demand

    Fans of Black Dahlia Murder, go to and look for the demand for BDM in Petaluma and join. That'd be fuckin awesome to get em back at the Phoenix again.