Recent content by Ye Black Knight

  1. Ye Black Knight

    Behold My Duel With Kirk Hammett of Metallica!

    Or, if thee preferr'eth tales of more ribaldry, behold ye Explicit version! 'Tis even MORE METAL: This post now concludeth!
  2. Ye Black Knight

    Behold My Duel With Kirk Hammett of Metallica!

    From Hell's most foul depths, behold mine duel with Kirk Hammett, as judged by Satan himself! This post now concludeth!
  3. Ye Black Knight


    This post now concludeth!
  4. Ye Black Knight

    Official buying advice thread

    Verily, for these axes of ye Orient, LTD M-1000 and MH-1000 be'ith both elegant, finely crafted weapons. This knight's own preference woulde be'ith for ye MH-1000 as it's construction 'tis of fine mahogany - a most prized tonewood in mine sonic arsenal! Thee may want to consider these 2...
  5. Ye Black Knight

    The Random Song Post Thread

    This post now concludeth!
  6. Ye Black Knight

    What made you laugh today ???

    Lo, for mine latest whimsical tale shall caress thine eyes with cinematic beauty, and fornicate thine lobes with true METAL! This post now concludeth!
  7. Ye Black Knight

    ITT we post funny pictures...

    Fellow Warriors of True Metal! Behold mine newest tale, as told through ye cinematic arts! This post now concludeth!
  8. Ye Black Knight

    John Lord passed away today... :-(

    Aye, goodly Wyvern! Raise thine flagons aloft, fellow warriors of steel; for upon this day a brother hath been claimed by ye jealous Gods who could wait for him no longer! :kickass: HAILS SIR LORD! THINE FLESH MAY HAVE CEASED, BUT THINE ODES SHALL LIVE E'ERMORE! This post now concludeth!
  9. Ye Black Knight

    Suggestions to record guitar

    Lo, for this knight may give'th thee counsel that 'twas imparted to me many seasons ago, and hath proven sage advice: Whence ye record'eth thine leads, I beseech thee wrap a sock (or scarf will suffice, but avoid spent prophylactics!) upon ye top of thine fretboard, just below ye nut, and tie...
  10. Ye Black Knight

    Testament - "Dark Roots Of Earth"

    Verily! For this knight founde "Ye Formation of Damnation" to be a work of Metallic artistry of ye finest grade! Mine neck still throb'beth from ye headbangings that took place from that album's attack of sheer, wicked thrash! This new collection of odes cannot get to this knight's ears in...
  11. Ye Black Knight


    Warriors and Wenches of ye boards of Ultimate Metal! Episode III of HËÄVY MËTÄL SÜPËRSTÄR be'ith upon youtube for thine viewing pleasure! This IIIrd saga hath: Three times ye wimsy! Three times ye excitements! And THREE TIMES YE METAL! Behold: This post now concludeth!
  12. Ye Black Knight

    Favorite Ozzy/Jake song

    Hark! Let this knight add'eth an ode to this most fine registry: Waiting for Darkness! This post now concludeth!
  13. Ye Black Knight

    How to play faster music on guitar like Megadeth without hand fatigue?

    Alas, thee shall also finde benefit in giving thineself strokes of erotic pleasure upon thine loinsword! This knight's preference be'ith to view brief internet-cinema-tales of lewd "wench-upon-wench action", whence vigorously exercising mine rythym paw! By polishing thine "yogurt pistol" with...
  14. Ye Black Knight

    I got my pops into Testament

    Aye, for wanderlust doth Lord Hoglan have! 'Tis an inventory of his former troubadours from ye Encyclopedia Metallium! Dethklok Fear Factory Mechanism Meldrum Memorain Pitch Black Forecast Tenet Zimmers Hole Testament (live) ex-Daemon ex-Strapping Young Lad ex-Devin Townsend...