Recent content by yeahman

  1. Y

    favourite kalmah albums in order

    its hard putting one of there albums last because they all rock but for me it has to be. 1)Swampsong 2)The black waltz 3)Swamplord 4)They will return god bless!
  2. Y

    Swamplord's cd casing???

    i see. so i got ripped by an ebay seller. well i realy want to complete my kalmah catelogue properly so ill buy it again. And seeing that there not going to be reprinting swamplord seperately anymore i better snatch it up while i can.
  3. Y

    Swamplord's cd casing???

    hi. did everyone get there original swamplord cd in a cardboard slip and not a plastic cd case? was just wondering. thanks