favourite kalmah albums in order


New Metal Member
Aug 14, 2007
its hard putting one of there albums last because they all rock but for me it has to be.

2)The black waltz
4)They will return

god bless!
01 Swamplord
02 Swampsong
03 They Will Return
04 The Black Waltz

^ It's not like they're moving a step backward in each release, I just happen to like them in this order.

too bad swampsong came out a year after they will return... or did you fuck up the order on accident. ALL THE CDS ROCK SO FUCKING MUCH!!! i cant see why anyone would dislike any of them.
1) Swamplord - A shame it's so short. Can't beat songs like 'Withering Away', 'Heritance of Berija', 'Hades' and 'Alteration'.

2) Swampsong - First album I heard by them and for quite a while, the only album I heard. Great songs for me are 'The Third, The Magical', 'Bird of Ill Omen', 'Moon of My Nights' and 'Suodeth'.

3) The Black Waltz - A pretty solid effort, a mix of vocal styles would have been better. Fave songs would be 'To the Gallows', 'The Black Waltz' and 'The Groan of Wind'.

4) They Will Return - Has a couple of really good songs, and some fairly average ones. Best songs for me are 'Swamphell' and 'The Blind Leader'.
I can't put this great stuff in a special order.. Maybe Swampsong is my favourite, but its very difficult..
for me i cant say because i will maybe will listen to one CD a shit load then like 2 weeks later i will listen to another one, i listen to them all pretty evenly
They Will Return
The Black Waltz

The solo in the beginning of Dance Of The Water is one of my favorites ever.
1. They will return; is flawless
2. The black waltz; is an awesome new direction
3. Swamplord; is a bit short + the fact that I've basically listened it to death by now
4. Swampsong; will sadly have to place last, as I find it to be a bit unfinished and average compared to the other efforts.
1) They Will Return - so many great melodic leads and the solos on this album are incredible.

2) Swamplord - not quite as fast and heavy as They Will Return, but it still has some great melodic leads and displays some baroque-esque influence.

3) Swampsong - seems to be more of a moderate pace and less melodic over all, with fewer solos.

4) The Black Waltz - not a single song sticks out to me on this album and I couldn't really get into it at all.
1. The Black Waltz - ABSOLUTELY kills!! Love this album. By far their best.
2. Swamplord - First album i heard by them. Definitely not a Children of Bodom clone.
3. They Will Return - Eh... Decent but a big step down from Swamplord.
4. Swampsong - Same as Swamplord but slower and less catchy. :(

I like Kalmah and they are my favourite band from Finland! (although the only other finnish metal bands i listen to are COB and Norther)
like mentioned a million times, this kind of topic has been done a million times already..
but because the list might change over time, mine certainly does, lets give it another go:

1 Swamplord <- has been and always will be their best album.
2 The Black Waltz
3 They Will Return
4 Swampsong

it's hard to put their last 3 albums in order, might depend on what mood you're in. or something... i dunno :zombie:

steadyisgod said:
I like Kalmah and they are my favourite band from Finland! (although the only other finnish metal bands i listen to are COB and Norther)
Kalmah is the only band from Finland I listen to. and yeah they're my favorite band from Finland!
There's other good stuff from Finland such as Amorphis, Insomnium, Swallow The Sun, Wintersun, Shade Empire, etc.