Recent content by /Z/

  1. /Z/

    San Francisco Review

    The show fucking kicked ass! Hearing When always makes my day. I'm glad the sound evened out though, as it was a little off during pelican. I think that was the best SF show yet from Bubba Smith and crew. I'm also dying to see Squeak's close-up photos.
  2. /Z/

    New guitar and kitty (the kitty's not new)

    That's damn nice man. Shread till your ears bleed.
  3. /Z/

    Behemoth - No Sympathy for the Fools

    Ah, such an awesome band!
  4. /Z/

    Old Opeth vs New Opeth

    I prefer the older sound, though MAYH is my fav.
  5. /Z/

    check out my new shirt! :D

    Ah yes, you must add Abbath to that one.
  6. /Z/

    Fate of Norns is done!

    sweet... now time to wait
  7. /Z/

    Weird detail I noticed on the DVD

    I was wondering about those close ups.
  8. /Z/

    Watch the Jag Panzer Videos on Launch!

    I own the DVD as well. Go check out the videos if you haven't yet seen them. Guess you won't get to see the cool mountain tops on launch though.
  9. /Z/

    PICTURES from the San Diego, Anaheim and San Francisco gigs!

    Awesome, thanks a ton Squeak!
  10. /Z/

    Guitar Strings

    I really like using DR strings a lot. The 12-52 high-beams set might work well for ya.
  11. /Z/

    Welcome to the new Jag Panzer board

    Wow great news... welcome to the forums
  12. /Z/

    grim cult satanic jewfro girl!!!!

    LOL .....a handi-feast
  13. /Z/

    XM plays Opeth!

    wow cool xm has opeth
  14. /Z/

    It's not delivery! It's DiGiorgio!

    *Hailing the hippie of doom!*
  15. /Z/

    Stupid thing im doing for the show in SF

    Amusing Idea... and Jeff, we love you man!