Watch the Jag Panzer Videos on Launch!

MetalSteph said:
For your viewing pleasure Launch now has five Jag Panzer Videos that you can watch on demand. Just go here:

The Silent (2001)

Take To The Sky (2001)

Cold Is The Blade (2001)

King At A Price (2000)

Iron Eagle (1998)

"The Church" is also programmed to play in the metal Launchcast station. See here:


MetalSteph!!!! Your the greatest!! Thanks for the info!!!!!!!!
Hey Everyone!!!! Think about it, this is the PERFECT chance to spread the Jag Panzer name around!!! I mean, let's do the math here......about 1000 copies of the DVD in the U.S...........probably not a whole lot more than that in Europe....... Hmmm, so thats about 2000, plus the kind hearted few, who do own it, showed a few of their get where I'm going with this. There are Millions of people out there who are dying for some real metal out there, who just haven't been introduced to Jag Panzer. I think we should post this link EVERYWHERE!!! Send it out to everyone you know!!! And who knows, with all the extra publicity that JP would get, maybe there next CD just might go 'ALUMINUM'!!!! :tickled:
I own the DVD.... and it's still one of the best I own from any metal band!

I know if we ever wanted to do somthing like that... Mark's the first person we're going to! Excellent work!!! :worship:

...I'm going to pass around some of those video links, I know there are some metal heads that are dying to be converted to the mighty JP!

Dustin said:
I own the DVD.... and it's still one of the best I own from any metal band!

I know if we ever wanted to do somthing like that... Mark's the first person we're going to! Excellent work!!! :worship:

...I'm going to pass around some of those video links, I know there are some metal heads that are dying to be converted to the mighty JP!


Way to go Dustin!!!!! There needs to be more people out there such as yourself!!!!!! Keep the faith alive!!!!