1. CiG

    GMD Social Poll: Top Ten Films of 1985

    RYM film chart Deadline is March 15th. If you need an extension just say so and it will absolutely be considered. This is usually just a soft deadline to make sure everybody doesn't become complacent. REMEMBER for those of you who haven't seen many films from this year or in general, you can...
  2. CiG

    Song Survivor: Bathory - The Return (first round)

    I didn't bother adding "Revelation of Doom," if this displeases any autistics in here just let me know and I'll do my best to ignore your whining.
  3. CiG

    GNMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 1985

    1 9 8 5 Obviously make sure to hit up RYM yourself and search your favourite genres. The deadline is 7th of March 2018. The rules: - submit at least 5 releases. - first place in your rankings gets 10 points, 2nd gets 9, etcetc, 10th gets 1. - feel free to post more than 10, but only the top...