avant-garde metal

  1. Sophii

    Sophia Harvey - Sludgewave

    Released 3 days ago. Combines a lot of shit into one big stirring pot. Taking everything from sludge metal, nu metal, industrial music, EDM, memphis horrorcore, and witch house aesthetics and blends it into one disgusting mess. FFO: Meshuggah, Godflesh, Korn, Black Dresses, Dir en Grey...
  2. Sophii

    Terasophe - Terra Vitae/Terra Mori

    4 months of tinkering with this album, with the help of my friend Doxophobia. Hope you enjoy!
  3. Sophii

    Terasophe - Podostroma Cornu-Damae/Molten Limb

    Check it out here: Working on a full length currently. The name is Terra Vitae/Terra Mori. This is a single from the album + an unreleased track I've had since 2017. Let me know what ya think!