torpedo reload

  1. S

    Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier with Two Notes Torpedo Reload

    Hey guys, here you can check out my new video using the reactive-active attenuator from the Two Notes Torpedo Reload and the mic and cab simulation from the Torpedo VB101. To my taste, the feeling and response of the reactive-active attenuator from the Torpedo Reload is a little more advanced...
  2. CyaeghaSteve

    EZdrummer Metal Machine in Superior Drummer

    Just got this expansion the other day and literally slapped them into this mix with only a few volume tweaks and they sound like this. Pretty awesome. One thing I've struggled with when recording solo stuff with drum samples, is making a blast beat sound legit. I always feel like even when...
  3. S

    Mesa Boogie Mark V - Channel 2 - CRUNCH

    As the title says, Channel 2 on my Mesa Mark V in CRUNCH mode. Maybe not enough gain for modern high gain metal, but still a nice and thick crunch sound for rythm work.
  4. M

    Please, I'm stuck. Mixing hints and tips please. It sounds like crap.....

    Hey all. I've been trying to record my self for a while now but I always end up with this crapy mix over and over again This song is a cover. Its only a bit but it presents my mixing issue pretty well. Any thoughts how to improve my sound, especially the guitar sound......... Best reagards